Use the controls to the right to show only the ratings you are interested in.
Response: Denise you are so welcome! Gosh that got there lightning ⚡️ quick! I mailed like on Sat 🤣
Response: Leslie, you are such a wonderful swapper, and anyone receiving from you should be so lucky. Bc you swap like I swap, over the top and insane 🤣. I’m so happy you enjoyed it story and goodies. Anytime I can make myself a vampire I am so down! I can’t wait to receive your. I think my favorites were the custom pins, the funko pop and that magic wizard magazine I found in an antique store near Orlando of all places🩵🩵🩵
Response: So happy it arrived. The force must be balanced 🤣
Response: Jessie, so happy you loved your swap and all the goodies arrived safely. I loved the card too. And I hope the candies worked out too.
Response: Leslie, it was an easy to please swap!!! I love Alice too sooo much. I am so happy you loved your pins.
Response: Wow that was super duper quick!!!! So glad that you loved everything and Iam glad it all made there safely. Happy Halloween
Response: So happy it arrived happy Valentine’s Day
Response: Set up the next round have fun in California
Response: Yeah, so glad it arrived safely! I always get a lil nervous when sending the gift cards out. Read on your profile you loved Target thought it would be a nice treat!
Response: Lol that would have been a cute sight. Kitties opening up swaps
Response: Me too. I missed our traveling journals.
Response: Barbara so glad everything arrived. And that you loved itt! I love themes and go a little overboard 🤣
Response: Yes who knew Tiger Lily. There were so many of her but she is soooo expensive! Lol. I am so glad they finally arrived. They went all the way to VA and back to FL I couldn’t believe when I read the tracking. So happy you loved them all 💋
Response: You are so welcome. I wish for a little freeze it’s sooo hot here
Response: So nice meeting you Roxie and glad you loved the goodies. Hope to swap with you again!!!!
Response: Loey be on the look out one more thing should arrive sat or Monday it came from another distributor. So glad you loved what you got soooo far. 💋
Response: Jill,
So happy it arrived safe and sound in these crazy times. Take care stay safe and let me know if you win a million dollars
Response: Deanna I am so happy you loved them both. You do the same I am gonna try and work on my tan and try not to strangle the kids 🤣
Response: I know I had to sit and really think about all the emotions and crap this time.
Response: Wow that I arrived so quick. I am so glad you got it. What a wonderful idea to share. Thanks for joining my swap
Response: Sandia that is so awesome!!! I am so glad you enjoyed and loved your tote 💋
Response: You are so welcome. Glad you loved the swap. 💋
Response: Awe no luck on the scratchers, darn. Well have fun with all the other goodies ❤️
Response: You are so welcome. Happy Valentines Day!!!
Response: Wonderful. I am so glad you love it. Have a happy Valentine’s Day xo
Response: Awesome $5, I love when people win!!!! You are so welcome and look out for the next one it’s on it’s way
Response: You are so welcome. Merry Christmas.
Response: Again you are so welcome and Merry Christmas. I totally laughed when I saw you were my partner again. I was like she is gonna read the same thing 🤦🏻♀️
Response: You are very welcome glad you loved. Merry Christmas
Response: Oh yes I am so happy your card arrived and you loved the goodies. I always love sending vintage cards they are so pretty and ornate, my favorites are the valentine ones. Have a Merry Christmas
Response: You are so welcome. Have a Fabulous Holiday
Response: Blythe Obsessed!!!!
Response: You are so welcome.
Response: Yeah Happy Mail Arrived!!
Response: Awesome I am always aiming for different and unique when it comes to the greeting card swaps. I am so bummed your scratcher wasn't a winner and would have gladly split 50K with you. LOL So glad you enjoyed, Happy Halloween and see you around on the bot!
Response: You are so welcome and thanks for the great rating 💋
Response: @paperlover thanks so much for your amazing rating. I wish for cold weather it’s so flipping hot, my kids are gonna sweat during trick or treating this year again lol
Response: Wonderful Nancy I am so glad you loved. And that I did good on the candy 🍭 part.
Response: Sounds good to me
Response: I am so happy it arrived safe and that you wind some money. I use my tote you made me all the time when I am out and about.
Response: Yes I am so glad you received my package. I went all out on this one I love Hitchcock and gets me in the spooky mood! So happy I could inspire you.
Response: CA drivers are the best! LoL And I am so glad you received my swap and loved my answers 💋
Response: You are so welcome, now if our weather could turn a little Halloweeny I would be sooooo happy!!!!
Response: Girl Me too!!!! So glad you loved the goodies.
Response: So happy you enjoyed. And see you around on the bot
Response: You are so welcome I am so glad that you received a little luck too..
Response: Yeah so happy it arrived and glad you loved it. Yes please send me a postcard if you one a million $$$ LOL
Response: OMG me to honey. I feel like FL is on Fire
Response: Lissa you are so welcome and that arrived super fast.
Response: Setting Up 80 Now
Response: You are so welcome. Lol And I just realized I sent an American Lottery Tix. If you win money send it back I will turn it in and you can turn into Euro. 💋
Response: Yeah I am so excited. Now I can have a skinny journal like you LOL.
Response: I am so glad it made your day and that you enjoyed it. I too love the food and wine festival at Epcot too.
Response: Lol awesome I love it!!!
Response: Yeah so happy she arrived safe and that you loved everything. Sorry about your furnace. Stay warm and cozy
Response: Wonderful. You are welcome
Response: Your welcome happy new year
Response: You are so welcome. I did? I filled all pockets and added a letter. Maybe the goodies were a little different than what most usually add lol. So glad it arrived safely. Happy Holidays
Response: Oh yeah small towns actually mail their postcards lol. Thanks so much and I totally dig the Tiger Too
Response: Oh no they were just spider stickers 😳. And they had purple glitter on them. Did all the goodies make it. I feel terrible. I wonder why they would open up a pocket letter? 🤔 Anyways I am glad you loved it and sorry for the hassle
Response: Susie you are so very welcome. Glad it arrived safe and sound and I love Bella Pillar too. Thought a little Target Treat would be a fabulous surprise. Have a wonderful Halloween
Response: Awe IIlyse if they don’t straigten up soon or if I don’t find a manual I am giving them to science to figure out what’s tinkering around in those minds of there. I am still working on our swapper to return those journals.
Response: I’m so glad bc I was having trouble finding a K pc, had to get creative 💋
Response: Oooooh I love antiquing and shopping with new friends!!!!
Response: Me too and I love the movie!!!!
Response: Your welcome Fabriqueen. So glad you keep participating
Response: So glad you loved it. Hope you have a fabulous summer!!!!
Response: So happy you enjoyed. Have a fabulous trip!
Response: Yeah so happy they made it!!!! If you find anything with The Queen or Corgis, let me know I am like way obsessed. I keep telling my hunny in his sleep we need a corgi. LOL
Response: Omg I would so die and collect all the colored pieces and use them for a Fenton theme glass bottom pool. Wouldnt that be crazy gorgeous?
Response: He played for 4 technically bc one team moved to different cities. Thanks so much I totally enjoyed making this and will set up round #2 this weekend
Response: Woo hoo winner winner chicken dinner. I love lottery scratchers
Response: @starrycat no worries and so happy you loved my coloring lo
Response: @Isadorawing go ahead and set up the next round 💋
Response: @travelgirlem thanks so much for the kind words and joining my swap.
Response: Thanks so much I love Blythe Dolls a lot! I sent you an email with pix about the private residences in St Louis they are the only ones left in the US. And I sent pix of myself and my man. Lol
Response: Grace, you are so welcome. And I always love to be surprised, so I imagine my swap partner does too. Have a Happy Mothers Day and see you around on The Bot
Response: Yeah I am so glad you loved everything and dealing with my not following directions LOL, but hey instead of wrapping it all up, I was wait I sent a basket too LOL
Response: Mawbella, I love that way get partnered up all the time and so randomly too. Makes it more exciting when I know I get to send to you. xo
Response: You are so welcome and glad I was reading your mind. I figure anyone up north wouldn't mind receiving a Starbucks card for a cup of something warm and cozy. Thanks so much. We will probably running and jumping around at Jump station for his birthday.
Response: Yeah can't wait. I am still waiting for yours, this darn media mail is killing me. I have something fun to send you this round too!!!
Response: Thank you so much. I am so happy you knew what they were and love it. Blythes are pretty amazing little dolls. I totally understand about dolls in the house. I have mine boxed up. I only let her out during the day. LOL
Response: You are so welcome and I am so glad no one was harmed in transport. LOL no seriously I thought I was going to jail if I didnt pack it just right. I love every thing you sent me too.
Response: Jamie you are so welcome. Happy Thanksgiving
Response: Awe thanks so much Kay. ((Blushing)). I hope you have fun reading and enjoying all the goodies.
Response: That’s me responding the day i get it and my husband sending before asking. I don’t complain bc he is just being thoughtful. Sorry if this drives you nuts lol
Response: Marie, you are so welcome. Happy Halloween! So glad it arrived in time and you that you loved it. Can’t wait to get mine!
Response: I can’t wait to hear about Halloween and tell you why Peyton’s missing Halloween!
Response: Jess, you are so welcome glad you loved it
Response: I know it’s all the swap bot drama, and all I want to be is approved for FOPS So I can get a damn flaked list
Response: Me either @Heatherknits I’m just goIng with the flow. I love them they are lots of fun!
Response: Happy Birthday, sorry that bug ya, I was just like omg the cutest pins ever are lost!
Response: Oh yeah that was quick!!!! And the first one is still out at large. LOL dont eat the peppermint lifesavers I sent the first round. You hate peppermint!!! LOL
Response: I will set up round #3 tonight
Response: @lauriew your welcome and holy crap that arrived quick I sent Monday morning 🙃
Response: Paperpassion, yeah so happy you
Got it and you love it xox
Response: I can't believe we have swapped 50 times in 3 years we are nuts LOL
Response: Yeah, so fast too. Yeah me too they sell them at my grocery store in the school section and sometimes at Target
Response: Thank you so much, I really appreciate the comment as this was my first pocket letter I ever made. Awe too bad I love sending the tickets its always a nice touch
Response: Thank you so much. I am so happy you loved it. I am officially obsessed!!!
Response: So happy you loved my pocket letter. And thats what I always do, when swappers swap with me, I want them to feel so surprised and love what they receive!!
Response: Thanks you so much. I am so happy you loved it and wow it arrived very quickly.
Response: You are so welcome and can't wait to get your letter!!!
Response: I kind of went over board. But it was so much fun I couldn't resist. Enjoy and don't forget to brush!! LOL
Response: You are so welcome. I can't wait to get your next letter!!!
Response: So glad you are enjoying it. I hope we all get our journals back!
Response: So glad you enjoyed all the goodies and that you loved the spice bible.
Response: You are so welcome. I hope we can become great pen friends.xox
Response: You are so welcome!!! Wanted to get you more than just a plain pin. Xoxi
Response: Its ok will be back on it when I am done with the shoot and I am not so scatter brained
Response: OMG, Keith picked up my mail again. I tell him all the time mine doesn't need to go out as fast. LOL well glad you got it all the same. Miss you. Can you believe summer is almost over!!!
Response: You are so welcome and so happy it arrived on time. I am glad that you love it and am excited as well to be your partner. Thanks about the handwriting. I write in all caps I know my language profs hated me lol. Looking forward to your reply. 💋
Response: I know Keith is always such a big helper LOL
Response: OMGeeeee are you making fun of my penmanship, LOL seriously I know I write in all CAPs
Response: I am loving using the soft bound journals and you are right they are cheaper to post
Response: Yeah, so glad it arrived. Thats ok, I can't wait to get the journal back and write some more. Peyty had a fabulous one. And mine was low key bc I am so exhausted and uncomfy!
Response: Christy, you are so welcome and I am glad the package arrived safely and swiftly. Awwweee.Hormones.I am not a fan of those little buggers. I have prego hormones like crazy right now. Happy V Day and hope you have a fabulous week
Response: Shirley,
I am so happy that you loved everything I sent and that you were also plenty surprised! I love going all out on swaps, I guess thats probably why I don't join a million of them at one time. I like to swap high quality swaps so my partners are totally happy when they open their packages. BTW that got there super fast!!!
Response: Wonderful and thanks so much! I can't wait to get your letter!
Response: I didn't even realize it until you made me wait to press sent. LOL. Went to Sweet Sage and stamped in and went back to the Candy Kitchen, met the owner and stamped there too. I will set up a new swap. Your welcome those came the day you left, I was hoping they arrived earlier.
Response: LOL I would love to design a bikini for you.
Response: Your Welcome and so glad it arrived safe and sound. xoxo
Response: Hey I forgot to tell you. I loved the French Toast and Figured You Could Try It. Keithy told me not Melt It, bc He thought I was making him breakfast and tricking him. Hope you loved it, even though I didn't go as over board this time. I will let you know when yours arrrives. xoxo
Response: OMG Your letter made it so quickly!!!
Response: Awe thats terrible! I wish we could all win all the time. LOL
Response: Kristin I am so glad you loved my swap and to think I was all freaked out I didn't do it right. LOL. Did you get the bracelets?
Response: Hope you had a good time on your trip. Glad my letter arrived safe and sound. Hope they were winners? You are so welcome, can't wait to be your pen pal too. And thanks so much about my handwriting unfortunately my Latin, Spanish & Italian teachers didn't think so. Writing in all CAPS is bad form they use to tell me. LOL
Response: Yes, I will definitely be preoccupied soon enough. I am so happy you enjoyed everything I sent and I do hope you win a little cash on the tix. I love lottery scratchers. Some weird obsession. I like the bingo and crossword ones. LOL
Response: Your welcome and wish you had won a little cash. I like when swappers win! =)
Response: OMG that was insanely quick! I mailed yesterday. LOL
Response: Thanks so much for your rating and I am so sorry my email wouldn't send to you. But, at least I was able to pm the questions. Have a fabulous new year and see you around on the bot!
Response: Thanks so much. Glad it arrived safely and in one piece. I knew you would love the way it was packaged. I thought it was cool until I couldn't fit a card in the package. LOL
Response: WOW!That was super quick. I sent this out two days ago. Thanks for the heart and good luck with the next step. That was a hard one for me to make up!
Response: You can find them at Barnes and Noble Bookstore or online at
Response: Yeah Pyxi, I am so glad you loved it. Happy Swapping. Can't wait to do it again.
Response: Thanks Michelle, I am so glad it finally made it safe and sound. =) Happy Swap Bot!
Response: Thanks Mary and have a fabulous Christmas and wonderful New Year!!!
Response: Phe,
I am do glad you loved all my goodies. And I am really happy you loved my letter, first letters are always a little challenging! xoxo Heres to a new pen friend!
Response: Your so welciime. I thought you would really love the fairy journal.
Response: Stephanie, you can come to any of my parties! And you know it, I love shopping for corsets. xoxo
Response: Esme, my life is a shoe. LOL!
Response: Stop it Liz. I just dont. You know there other advance life forms out there not just us. Love you girl.
Response: I would give Dr. Troy a total run for his money. LOL and I think I would pick the Red Dress Scarlet wore to Ashleys birthday and the one wear she wears the big straw hat!!!!
Response: They didn't have any FLAMINGO BINGO's LOL. =(
Response: Hi Mary,
I am so glad you loved my package. The book is fabulous, I read it in one day! I love K Cups too and I am paranoid when my carousel is missing a cup. I totally freak. If you want more of the containers let me know and I will get some more this weekend. I have like 6 pairs of those socks. Awesome you loved my wrist cushion. I made another one. Its haute pink. You are an amazing swapper and can't wait to do another one with you!!!!
Response: Probably not bc swappers just leave 5 with no comments and I never received hearts. I write a lot on my answers and not just yes no. But if you get me the questions for the next we can do a private one.
Response: I loved the Ducks. I bought a pair for my bath tub. LOL
Response: Girl,
We have so much fun on this darn thing. We will have so much of are collections filled just because we swap so much together on here. xoxo
Response: I tried to find the snowy white hedwig or the big brown barn owl, but bc its Xmas everything is gone. You got your wishlist gift too!! Xoxo
Response: Queen Elizabeth, I love you so much. Your like my sister and I feel like we are best friends on this silly bot. I am so glad you loved everything. Next year will be bigger and better than ever!
Response: Awe Mandy, love you swap sister. Can't say I never gave you any money. LOL See you in 6 more days. xoxo
Response: Thanks Diana,
I am glad it got to you safely and in one piece. I think it was the pen that put the envelope over the edge. LOL
Response: I love you Queen Elizabeth! BFFL!!!!!
Response: My pleasure, let me know if the other present shows up? I am worried bc it was the more expensive of the two and I dont want you to think I cheapskated you.
Response: Thanks Becky you are the best! I know you live in Chi town, but if you end up loving the Sprinkles they sell individual flavors at William Sonoma. So check it out mama's. xoxoxo
Response: Thanks Diane, I cant wait to read your entry!!! Have a great weekend.
Response: I am so glad you loved it. I was worried that it wouldn't get to you. I get paranoid when they leave the country. LOL. Anyways I am so happy, I really loved doing this swap. So much fun and got to be very creative. See you around on the bot. <3 ya
Response: Awe.....Thanks so much Queen Elizabeth! I am so glad we met on the bot and will be besties forever. I really wanted the lipsticks for myself. Did scubated dig his goodie?
Response: So Glad You Loved Lady K. Hard To Be Humble. LOL Cant wait for your first letter.
Response: Ogma,
Thanks so much for the great feedback. I saw the matching journal, bookmark, and pencil on etsy. They had a couple of the other cities like Paris and Newyork too. I am so glad you loved everything!!! If you love what I did, I host a group call Royal Monarchs, check it out. And, I also am hosting Fit to be Queen Journal swap would love for you to join. Happy Holidays. Smooches.
Response: Thanks. I am happy, but not about the planning. Its like a 2nd career.
Response: OMG!!! It got there so quick. I am so glad you loved it. I hope you enjoyed it. It was so much fun to put together. You can adjust the necklace by cutting it down. Also I signed up for your song swap. I am finished just waiting for my partner. Love Queen Elizabeth. Smooches Lauren =)
Response: Thanks, I just really thought of people or toons that inspired me. Hotties isn't just about beauty right? Thanks for the Heart!!!
Response: Tranessa, I am so happy you loved it. I totally love those postcards very hollywood retro. Did you get the gift too? I hope they didn't steal it.
Response: Thanks she is my lil monkey dog. LOL
Response: yes, just go to
Response: Thanks for the upgrade =)
Response: Sounds great we are going Memorial Weekend in May for my fashion show! Wanna come? LOL
Response: Thanks Morte,
Good to know. I own a swimsuit company so I think I would be in the right place, do you think? =)
Response: Andrew,
I am glad you got your package and you are loving the CD's. I get excited about these swaps but, then I never know what to send. LOL
Happy Swapping
Response: Hey Kim,
I am glad you loved it! We have strawberry mentos all the time at our local CVS! Its too bad there none out your way.
Response: Thanks Nan for the heart and great rating. I just couldn't decide what to send. I liked too many songs, so now I hope you like too many songs too. LOL
Response: No way Chica, it was so necessary! I am just sorry it didn't get there the first time. Remind me again why I buy postage. LOL! Long story short you are so welcome.
Response: Thanks Marinda for the rating. Thanks for being nice and explaining how everything works. I hope you like your post.