Comment: Thank you for the lovely postcard and awesome stamps! Right now I am reading The Sporty One by Melanie Chisholm. It is about being Sporty Spice from the Spice Girls. I like it.
Comment: Love the postcard. I haven't heard of the 2 books you mentioned tho I have read Julian Barnes "The Sense of an Ending" which I thought was fantastic!! I'm currently reading "Don Quixote" for book club...wish me luck, lol!! xxMuggleMom
Comment: Thank you for the fabulous postcard - I couldn't love it more! The book you were reading sounds good - I looked it up and I will add it to my list! I just finished What You Are Looking For Is in the Library by Michiko Aoyama. I loved it!! Quick read but a lovely grouping of connected short stories. Thanks for joining my swap - enjoy the holidays! : )
Comment: Thank you for the lovely butterflies postcard! The most recent insects I've seen lately are ladybugs!! It was ladybug season for a while because they usually come out during autumn in IL! Thanks so much and have a good day!! I also love the stamps!!
Comment: Magirology is a great word for cooking. It has the ring of ancient sciences and clever secrets. Magicology should also be a word for it too. Tasty magic would be my favorite science.
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für die schöne Karte. Mich hat heute viel Nichtstun glücklich gemacht, sowie dass noch leckeres Essen von gestern als Rest im Kühlschrank war, und dass mein Nachbar mir unser örtliches Käseblatt vor die Tür gelegt hat. Nun bin ich auf dem Weg zum Wochenmarkt und werde mich nochmal mit vielen bunten Vitaminen eindecken.
Comment: It doesn't get much better than a hot pink nanner card! I am currently reading The Dead by Charlie Higson. I am on a mission to a) get my 2024 reading goal, which is lower than usual to begin with, but I've been off my game this year and b) clear my shelves of the books that are TBR that I have NO idea where they came from - The Dead being one such book!
Comment: Thank you, Joana. It was a great card to begin with, but II love your hand-stitched alteration. I've been thinking about doing some embroidery on postcards for a while. Maybe your creation will inspire me to JUST DO IT! Thanks again for brightening my day with your rays of sunshine!
Comment: Hi Joana! I swear mail from overseas gets here faster than from another state. It is amazing. I like the cute envelope you made. The tiger washi is cute and the stamps are great. I love the ephemera you included. I am planning some master boards/collaging soon. Perfect timing. Thank you!
Comment: Thank you so much for the adorable monkey post card and I have to check out Dangerous Crossings - you make it sound so amazing. Thank you, Darla
Comment: Thanks so much for the pretty card! Things that made me happy today are my 3 cats and 2 chihuahuas like every day, and finding some fun new music. Also I made pad thai, and it was delicious. :)
Comment: Thank-you for the pretty card and stamps! Also, I had not ever heard of acanthochronology and it was super interesting to learn about! I had to google it so I could see some of the research and images:) Now everyone in my dept knows about it LOL! Hope you are well, best wishes!
Comment: Thanks for the card ❤️
I love the real winter with ton of snow and below zero. We’ve been so lucky now in Finland. We had snow already in the end of November and it’s been super cold. Last week it was -20°c the whole week 🎉
Comment: Thank you for the postcard. I don't remember my first flight because I wasn't even a year old. But I have made that same flight many many times throughout my life and it's always been good. Happy New Year!
Comment: Thanks for the volcano PC, I really like the artwork:) Lots of info in the news on volcanoes lately and I didn't even think of this option for "V"! Nicely done! Hope you have a lovely holiday season:)
Comment: I love the test pattern postcard! I remember those too, as well as the ones with the colored bars. One time I used colored washi tapes to make postcards like the colored bar ones, for a swap. I thought that was kind of fun! Thanks for the fun swap.
Comment: Love the Elliott Erwitt postcard, thank you!!
I saw both movies you mentioned for a class in college - I loved them both!!! Hope you have a wonderful night and thanks for joining my swap! xoxo
Comment: Hi there!
Thanks for your postcard. The book sounds like something Id like. I’ve started on Rechter Tie: Het Spookklooster. It’s a dutch book. A patient of mine suggested it. I hope I can get into it. I prefer english books. lol Take care!
Comment: Hallo Joana,
Vielen lieben Dank für die tolle Karte. Ich habe auch von papermoon Karten: alte Gemälden (am Meer) und die Bibliotheken Ausgabe. Momentan lese ich Richard Ossmann: the man who died twice und toshikazu rawaguchi "before the coffee gets cold". Das Letztere ist ein sehr schönea Buch mit mitreißenden Geschichten. Das erstere ist so ein leichtes lesen. Ich wünsche dir viele schöne Herbsttage!
Comment: Great postcard! How was the Josephine Baker book? I'll bet it was great - she really was an amazing woman in so many ways! I hope you get to see that exhibition too. Thanks a lot for joining! happy Reading! xoxo
Comment: This found me today, yay! Love the Adrian Tomine postcard! I have read a couple AJ Pearce books, they are lovely! Hope you’ve had lots of time to read this summer! Thank you for joining my swap! xoxo PS I am reading Days at the Morisaki Bookshop by Satoshi Yagisawa.
Comment: Thank you for the delightful swap! The stamps are great - I just LOVE the Antarctica one! Wow! Your mail art is so summery and sweet! And I enjoyed your note and the postcards (they go straight to my collection!)! Such happy mail! Thank you for joining! xoxo
Comment: Thanks for the PC, I have this same collection:) Have to say, I love rocks, I'm a bit of a crow so often pick up interesting bits of geology in my travels. Hard to resist shiny funky looking rocks! Wishing you a lovely weekend:)
Comment: Thank you! This card is so amazing! I love these type of vintage pictures and also that you picked quite a rare subject! I appreciate it a lot 😊
Comment: Thanks so much! I just arrived home from California and came home to your lovely homemade envelope. It’s such beautiful paper that you recycled! And thanks for the goodies!
Comment: Thanks for this wonderful swap! It deserves 5 stars as well as hearts! Thanks for all the birdie goodies inside too! Stay safe and healthy! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Thank you for the fun swap of MAPS! I loved how you did the Mail art! The enclosures also will be fun to use! Of coarse, love the postcards as well! Enjoy your day!
Comment: I absolutely adore all the vintage items you sent! The photos are amazing and I can't wait to use them somehow! Thank you for all the goodies!
Comment: Thank you very much for the amazing map envelope and beautiful cards inside. By my name outside envelope is Bern where I have ancestry and have visited. My other ancestors are near Rostock, Germany.
Comment: Hallo Joana, danke für deinen schönen Leuchtturm Umschlag! Wahrscheinlich ist eine Briefmarke rechtsoben abgefallen. Danke für die tollen profilebased goodies, sie sind super! Schönes Wochenende!
Comment: Thank you, thank you for the lovely books envelope - complete with beautiful stamps! Really fun washi too. And OMG that poodle postcard!!! W O W and it's another new one for me, thank you for thinking of me! Pug card and Snoopy stickers. You made my weekend! : ) Right now I am about to finish I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy - and next I am not totally sure...I will decide tomorrow! I do have the new Taylor Jenkins Reid book on my mind though...we will see! Thank you for joining my swap and I am happy to see you had a great summer - now on to fall soon... Take good care! xoxo
Comment: Received your book postcard today and thanks so much for it ! I love this PC of Magical items for Fantasy writers. I'm a big time reader of Fantasy books! I hope all goes really well, with your ballet class. When I a child I wanted to be a ballet dancer. But my mom wouldn't let me do it. Said it way too much money. That dream sure was crushed for sure.🙁 Have a great day Joana!
Comment: Hello Joana, thank you for the lovely swap! I enjoyed all the little surprises tucked inside. The PC is beautiful! I also enjoyed reading the quotes on the envie. Thank you and HEARTS, HEARTS, HEARTS!!!!
Comment: Thanks for the awesome postcard. It’s early right now, but something that made me happy today was a nice cup of coffee in silence this morning.
Comment: Thank-you! Joana😊 this is my first pocket letter and it was so much fun to go through🙂 l loved all the stamps. I will incorporate them in some art. Big smiles for me.❤️ And many thanks to you.
Comment: Thank you very much for the stitched postcard! So nice! We are still waiting for more warm days but it’s at least sunny today. Things that made me happy today: I bought a few books, I got a new toy for/played with my kitten, walked my dog, and got your postcard!! XOXO
Comment: Thank you for the cool postcard, and I also loved the stamp. You asked what I thought of the quote and it made me think of the famous quote that "Anonymous was a woman." For over a thousand years many of the works that women created (art, scholarship, etc.) were listed as anonymous.
Comment: How wonderful you got a real Lauren Bacall postcard with her signature!! She was iconic in her career!! I love all the postcards I get so I can't pick one!! Thank you for the vintage looking Munster postcard you send me - so very my style!! xxMuggleMom
Comment: Thank you for the card, it's so pretty! For me, I started buying cards without the intention to sell, too - but from family trips. My collection ended up growing with Swap-Bot and Postcrossing :)
Comment: thank you, joana, for the wonderful envelope and all the goodies inside! the photos are especially fun .. they remind me of the fun times of travel!! marlies
Comment: This has got to be one of the coolest decorated envelopes I've received! I absolutely love it, thank you for all the awesome goodies as well ❤️❤️❤️ definitely made me smile 😁
Comment: Thank you for the pretty pin-up postcard! I’d like to be on a warm beach too! Quiet here as well with a lot of reading! So happy you joined me in this swap! xoxo
Comment: Thank you for an excellent swap! I love everything abt it. Even the envie is adorable! You def hv a lovely stash of vintage items and even photographs! Thanks for sharing them with me. ❤️
Comment: Thank you - I love everything you sent! It's always so much fun to get an international sender in a swap like this, because everything is different from what we have available here :)
Comment: Thank you so much for all the lovely images! I'm sorry to have taken so long to rate this swap. We moved on September 1st and most of my belongings are still in boxes.
Comment: Thank you so much for the beach postcard! And I am also grateful for the first sip of coffee in the morning, fresh air and sunshine. Those are beautiful things that we often take for granted! Thank you for joining the swap, and I hope you enjoy the summer :)
Comment: Hi Joana! 👋 Thank you so much for this wonder-filled packet of happy mail. 💌📬 I love every bit, and your charming note & beautiful envelope. 💟 Take care 🤗
Comment: Joana, Du hast ja immer die besten Karten, die Zitronenbikinikarte ist da keine Ausnahme! Fabelhaft!!! Und an Spaghetti-Eis hab ich ja schon ewig nicht mehr gedacht :) Ach, jetzt ist er da der Sommer, also stürzen wir uns hinein ins Dolce Vita, habe einen famosen Sonntag!!!
Comment: Thank you for sharing some of your favorite things with me! My favorites of your favorites are the butterfly map notecard and the fashion stickers. I wish I had a wardrobe like that.
Comment: Thank you for the postcard, what a funny little van. I had a good chuckle when I saw it. Not sure how they would fit 6 in there, but I bet you there are not luxuries in there taking up space.
Comment: Thank you so much for your sweet note and an amazing assortment of goodies! Everything was very much my style and opening this mail really made my day <3
Comment: Thanks for the amazing card! Since the day just started I only had two things that made me happy already... my morning latte and this card. Take care!
Comment: Ist ja echt witzig, dass du diesmal meine Partnerin bist!!! Die souveräne Leserin kenne ich in der Tat schon. Hihi. Danke für deine Liste! Und die wunderschöne Ex-Libris-Postkarte!!! ♥
Comment: Hi Joana! 👋 Thank you so much for this great little sweets postcard. They look very yummy! 😋 Often when I want a treat I like salty over sweet. Hard pretzels 🥨 are 1 of my favorites. Take care 🤗
Comment: ha ha ha I struggled to find this swap, you wrote #14 instead of #10. . .oh well. . .I love this postcard and the paper it is made out of. TYVM! :D
Comment: What a wonderful happy mail swap to receive! I love what you did with the envelope. Put a smile on my face and made me giggle. Lol And it's beautiful as well. Then I opened the envie and such a nice note about a countryside walk with your sausage dog (😁) Sounds wonderful! Love the goodies and everything will be kept in my journals including the envie. Thank you for sharing a bit of your life with me and sending such a thoughtful swap. Stay safe and happy! ❤️
Comment: Beautiful!!! Oh, ich mag Deinen MailArt - Stil! Ich find schön, dass Du die Rückseite als Leinwand benutzt. Und ich liebe Deine kleinen Hinweise!! Ich find Dein Kuvert fabelhaft! Aber fall bitte nicht um, wenn Du einmal eines von mir bekommst, bei mir ist aaaaalles eklektisch und nix passt zusammen :) Danke für einen vergnüglichen Swap!!
Comment: Thanks a lot for the cute dog :) I know all about those larger postcards that are hard to store together with the "normal" sized. I have some of those too... And yes, both postcards arrived today ;)
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful card! Such an inspiring quote. I sure hope that life is a fairytale. Right now it is more like a a drama :)
Comment: More beautiful mail from you! As always, prepared so nicely! I love it all and the comic it’s wrapped in!! Thanks for brightening my day! I appreciate it a lot! xoxo
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful mail art and stamps! I LOVE the frog stamp! Thanks too for your kind note. I hope your new job is going well and the New Year is treating you right! Thanks for the Snoopy stickers and pretty card. Always such a pleasure receiving your mail!!! xoxo
Comment: Fabelhaft, dieses Kuvert ist einfach fabelhaft!!! Vielen lieben Dank für die wunderbaren und sorgsam ausgewählten Aufmerksamkeiten!! Zwar einen Hauch über die 20g :) aber ich kann nicht umhin, mich von ganzem Herzen zu freuen :) :) :). Hab einen fabelhaften Abend!!
Comment: Thanks for the nice letter about your booklist. I will google each one of them and learn more about the books you read. I haven't read any of those! Also, thank for your the nice tuck-ins. I will use them up! Keep warm and safe!
Comment: Thanks a lot for the amazing Queen Elizabeth card. I really love it. Yes so much has changed in a year. Hope 2021 will be a better year. Stay safe
Comment: Thank you, Joana, for the lovely card of Vaxholm. I love travelling on ferries, in fact I am hoping to take one from Aberdeen, Scotland to the Orkney Islands in April. I have been to Stockholm for a week. Would love to travel more in Sweden. Be well.
Comment: Thanks for the pretty card, I have the same gold washi as you haha :) I love the reindeer stamp and I wish you a happy Christmas and new year too!
Comment: Thanks for this beautiful mini library postcard! My sentiments exactly, with crafting thrown in! Stay safe and healthy! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Oh, what a beautiful and thoughtful swap you send to me! I loved the card so much, and your handwriting and the extras. You made my day, thank you!
Comment: Wow! what a great way to utilize the prompt! Some of my childhood friends have starting having babies and it really seems to change everything so fast!
Comment: Danke für die schöne Postkarte :) :) oh, ja. Zimtduft ist Weihnachten pur! Ich kauf mir ja sogar jedes Jahr ein Stück Zimtseife, damit auch das Badezimmer was davon hat :) :) Hab ein feines Weihnachtsfest und ein freundliches neues Jahr 2021!
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you very much for your envelope filled with wonderful pretty stuff, creatively assembled! I love it all! Thanks for making me smile! :D beautiful stamps on the envelope! :)
Comment: Thank you so much, Joana, for the lovely card, the cute vintage postcard, the tea ( can't wait to try.. ) and the washi ... Frohe Weihnachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr ! Monique x
Comment: Wish I could give you a thousand hearts. Love the cute card and going to frame the postcard. Thank you for your cute message as well. You made me very happy!
Comment: Thank you for the nice decorated and theme related postcard. I have never heard the song before ... I am thinking 🤔 which are your forbidden dreams ...😊 ❤️🙏🌈STAY SAFE❤️🙏🌈
Comment: Wow, I don't know if you meant it to be so but your card was super insightful! Winter is my least favorite because of the darkness, but I do love the stars. I e never considered how magical it is to still have them in the AM but you're right. Maybe I'll be slightly less pessimistic now.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely swap!!! Everything is great - I need to try that bread one day too! It’s so strange but the back of your envelope had a postmark from here (Columbus,OH) on November 9 but it didn’t find my mailbox until today! It was so nice to find, thank you! Enjoy your weekend! xoxo
Comment: Joana, thank you for the lovely outdoor Christmas scene postcard. I don't think we've switched our lights on yet? I love the twinkling lights too. x
Comment: Hi dear Joana, thank you so much for the beautiful postcard. I loved the vintage illustration and the feel of the total image. I would totally live in that robe if I owned one, it looks amazing and warm. Happy Holidays and stay well.
Comment: Danke für die schöne Postkarte! Ich bin gespannt was sie am Ende Dezember abbildet. 😊 Ich wünsche Dir auch eine schöne Adventszeit und Pass gut auf Dich auf! ❤️
Comment: Thank you for your lovely note, notecard and postcards!!! : ) My book list wasn’t too extensive this time either. The French Photographer sounds fabulous paired with a rainy weekend!! Seems its title here is The Paris Orphan! Putting it on my list! I have Just Like You on my reserve list from the library. Hope to get it soon. Keep reading and have a wonderful day!!!! Thank you again!! xoxo
Comment: Thank you for the great PC and your story. I never think of those transitions. Mine started with 45RPM vinyl records, then 8-track cassettes when I got a car.
Comment: Thank you for the cute owl postcard. That's a fun fact about squirrels. I have two different types of squirrels in my yard and enjoy watching their antics.
Comment: What a beautiful card! I love the stamps as well. Other than Sherlock Holmes, which i haven't read, i haven't heard of any of the other books. Clearly i'm unclutured LOL :)
Comment: Thank you so much for the super cool pc! Your favorite bookshop also sounds like a store I must visit if I my travels ever take me to that part of the world :)
Comment: Thank you very much for the beautiful postcard with Christmas stamp, much appreciated! ... ... I wouldn't mind having a nice cup of tea together first 😉 ! Stay safe ! Monique
Comment: Hi Joana! Thank you very much for the flower PC with flower stamps. Pretty! Carnations are my favorite flower too! I love the yellow best! The King Protea flower is pretty! I wouldn't even know to find any. But they remind of the Carnations though.
Comment: What a lovely swap! It definitely put a smile on my face. The envelope is so nice and with such great postage stamps. I love the mail inspired something inside the envie. Thank you for it all. I like postage stamps since they are small, expressive, informative, and decorative - and mail a letter to connect and communicate with people almost anywhere. Be safe.
Comment: Thanks for the lovely story and card! I am somewhat embarrassed to say I haven't yet seen pulp fiction! It is on my list though, and maybe in the next few weeks? Hope you're well! <3 Al
Comment: Thank you for the nice card! I have been briefly once at the Düsseldorf airport (for about 2 hours because my hostfamily forgot to pick me up....). Didn't learn about the mustard during those 2 hours :D
Comment: Danke schön! I am so happy every time someone writes me in German (or Spanish). I had German for 3 years in school many years ago, but I want to keep it fresh. This morning I had to use Google translate for your card, but I learn more and more every time :D Love it! And the statement on the card and your words was exactly what I needed these days! Thank you so much!
Comment: I absolutely loved your story (and the coffee postcard too)!! I've become so fascinated with micro fiction and I'm looking forward to the next round of this swap! Stay safe and be well!
Comment: This is an amazing swap!!! Such a bright colorful postcard with a lovely stamp. I find your question interesting; I don't know that I've ever thought of days and animals in the same way. I received your card yesterday; yesterday was a SNAKE in the USA.
Again, thanks for lovely swap. See you around the swaps.
Comment: Cool PC! I remember reading Isherwood in college--cannot remember the title, but I remember that I liked his writing. I'll have to check out Mr. Norris! LOVE Cabaret!
Comment: I love everything about the PC you sent... The illustration is cute! Your handwriting is so neat and artistic! The stamps and washi are lovely! Your thoughts on the enjoyment of summer are uplifting!
Thanks for sending this cheerful postcard. Best wishes!
Comment: This is a beautiful photo! I’m going to check out the photographer’s work. You’re lucky you got to see that exhibit! Thank you so much and thanks for joining the swap! : )
Comment: WOW! What an amazing swap to receive! Everything was packaged so beautifully and neatly. Thank you for the cute card (which is now on my wall), washis & tea! I have yet to try the tea but today will be the day. It looks delicious!
Comment: Well -- Guess what arrived today? LOL -- it always that way: just when you think something is lost, it shows up! And it is super cool too -- I was careful opening it so I didn't mess it up. Very fun envie and lovely things on the inside too. Thanks for a great swap!
Comment: Wow! Thank you for the lovely summer flipbook! This was the first flipbook I've ever received and I couldn't stop looking at it. I love everything about it! ❤️
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful seahorse postcard!! I love it! I’m loving the hot summer days - I wish they’d never end! Glad you can work at the office some days. That’s a good change! : )
Comment: Thank you ever so much for the lemon postcard, my apologies I am late in rating it! I had put it with some other the other mail I have received from and I was just checking over ratings and realised I had not rated you. Hope you are having a lovely Sunday x
Comment: Thanks for the cute postcard. The story of your first-ever read book is so neat. Now I have to think about whether I have mine or not... Hmmm...
Comment: The postie delivers! I got so much mail today, including this swap. It took a while but it finally got here, better late than never ^_^ Thank you so much for the cool postcard and the answer to the prompt! I hope you have a wonderful week ^_^ Stay safe xx
Comment: Lovely postcard! I love the NYPL and Patience and Fortitude are always in my photos if I go! The store in the library is delightful - and there’s a Kinokinuya Japanese bookstore across the street too! I hope you’ll get there one day and enjoy everything NYC has to offer! Great Bauhaus stamp too - wow!!! Thank you so much!
Comment: Adorable card. We have a Gelati shop nearby. I stay away from ice cream as much as possible. Love all your summertime likes. Unfortunately, I can't do all of them at this time, but I look forward to when I can again. Stay safe!
Comment: haha. thank you so much for your cute stick figure. It is definitely getting warm here now, and I LOVE to eat gelato. I need to find a really good place to get some.
Comment: Love your drawings! I've put the card on my fridge - not that I have any of those drink ingredients, but I can pretend they're what's in my fridge.
Comment: Thank you ! I love the card. I have seen the spaghetti ice cream in friends’ pics,but not here. In Southern CLifornia,we have dole whip. It was first served at Disneyland. Not like the cool berry topped one with an umbrella I had friday
Comment: Hi there! I absolutely loved your mail. Such a clever idea to put everything in a card, it felt like opening a tiny flipbook. I especially love the studio stationery postcard and goldfoil stickers. Thank you! x
Comment: Just got it today!!! : ) London is wonderful! I have been there only once but would love to go back! My favorite is NYC or Tokyo!!! Sooooo hard to pick, ha ha!!! Thanks so much for joining and I hope you have a great night!!! xoxo
Comment: Hey Joana, loved receiving your mail today and I loved your style of writing, asking questions, making me rethink my own style. I loved how you put the postcards together all gorgeous by the way in particular the apple blossom with bee - love! x
Comment: I hope you someday get your library wish! Thanks for the very nice postcard with all the illustrated book covers. Our library is still closed and I really miss it!
Comment: So fun to get two swaps from you! I love the book postcard with all the classics. Thank you for the book recommendations. I will look them up. Also, I love your postage stamps on both cards. So pretty!
Comment: Thank you so much for all your answers - and on such cute stationery! You’ve left me with a few additions to my “to be read” list - thank you! I’m so glad you
joined! : )
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für das tolle Kuvert! Ich freu mich sehr, wie liebevoll Du den swap gestaltet hast :) und auch wenn ich mir sicher bin, dass Dein "singing and dancing in the rain" ganz famos war, so wünsch ich dir lieber eine baldige, großzügige Portion Sonne :) :) Hab ein feines Wochenende!
Comment: Yay, this card is perfect for me! I thought at first it was Frank Moth who also makes cool spacey postcards. I love that you put a space stamp and washi on too. PERFECT! Thank you! :):):)
Comment: Hi Joana, your card is not boring or dull at all. We had a little chuckle as we know people like that :) We love it. Much appreciated. Raoul & Jeantte.
Comment: Wow! what a wonderful extra special package. The best envelope I've received so far!!! I really really love everything you sent..the washi you use, the colours, the postcard, the article and, especially, the zine. Thanks so much. It is simply PERFECT. You made me smile a lot.
Comment: Joana, vor einigen Jahren haben wir immer wieder monatliche Postkarten ausgetauscht über das Postkarten Roulette. Nun habe ich wieder eine Karte von Dir bekommen und mich sehr gefreut. Hab' vielen Dank und liebe Grüße
Comment: Hi Joana, it was so nice to read about your currently I’m... topics. I will miss the traveling too this year... planning to do a bit of it here in Belgium. I love the notecard and postcards you used to put your letter on, really my taste of pictures. Thanks for the time you did put in it.🍓🍓🍓
Comment: Love love LOVE the card you've chosen for me for this swap! Reading is great! I've actually read a whole lot of books myself again. Haven't done so ever since I got kids.. Currently addicted to The Witcher series and on my last book now. I think I'll fall into a black hole soon. Yikes! Stay safe <3
Comment: Danke schön fur Ihre Karte! Und fur eine schöne Motto! Thank you for writing in German, it's such a good way to learn more! :) Actually, I received all three postcards for this swap today, that's a first :)
Comment: Hey Joana, I was confused to come on here and found that I had yet to rate you, not sure what I did? It was lovely to read your list and even more the lovely surprise to receive the postcard with the extra question 3. All lovely places and gorgeous postcard too. Thank you.
Comment: Thank you so much for the beautiful old ladies by Inge Löök. I love those cards. And that saying from yourr grandma is so beautiful and true. Thanks!
Comment: Thank you for your e-mail. Yes, I’m finding that I’m using news websites more than before too. I also like walking and creative challenges. I’m currently planning a walking and hiking plan for when the lockdown eases.
Comment: Hello! Thank you for your card and bookmark. I loved reading your answers to them. Your upbeat-ness was a ray of sunshine waiting for me.
The last book I finished was "My Sister, The Serial Killer" by Oyinkan Braithwaite - check it out, it's fantastic. Really humourous to say it's about a woman who keeps killing her boyfriends.
I hope you're staying safe and positive.
Happy Swapping
Comment: Thank you for the amazing pin up card! This "" stinger" postcard is new to me. I adore it so much! Thank you for choosing this one for me and stay safe!
Comment: Thanks for your email, I initially missed it as it had gone into junk mail. I loved reading your list and my daughter would very much agree with you on apple crumble and custard a firm family favourite! I also enjoyed a Discovery of Witches. Have a good Easter Weekend.
Comment: Vielen Dank für die süße Postkarte und deine lustige Stick Figures! Hab mich sehr darüber gefreut. :) Ich hoffe es geht dir gut und du bleibst gesund!
Comment: Thank you for the interesting lighthouse postcard, I really like it. Table Mountain is a good mountain to climb, shame about the fog, it was foggy when we were there too.
Comment: Das sind wundervolle Aussichten! Ich hoffe meine Augen bleiben gut genug, dass ich nicht so ins Buch kriechen muss, aber der Lesenteil - dafür kann ich mich begeistern! Vielen Dank für die wundervolle Karte!
Comment: Thanks for the fab postcard and great answer, I love the idea of hanging with Mary, one of my favourite films and it would certainly make it a lot easier to keep the house tidy and clean :)
Comment: This filled envie is really worth a HEART!!
Thank you very much.
What a good idea to use old sewing pattern paper. Lovely bookmarks. Last year I saw the film: The Guernsey Literary and potato peel pie society. Very impressive.
The postcard is great too.
Thak you for sending this present, I hope to receive more swaps from you.
Comment: Thank you for the lovely art illustrated postcard - I wonder what she is thinking. I too enjoy historical fiction along with crime and occasionally dipping into fantasy. Currently reading The Subtle Knife which is in the fantasy genre. I first read the book twenty years ago and I am enjoying it again.
Comment: Thank you for the awesome card and your beautiful note!! I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season - enjoy all the beauty surrounding you!! And thanks for the pretty postcard too : )
Comment: Thank you for the lovely Christmas pc. You may not believe it, but I've never seen 'It's a wonderful life'. Maybe I'll watch it this year if you recommend this movie :) Merry Christmas!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful card. So toughtful of you to include the extra postcard. The stickers on the envelop are lovely too!!
Fröliche Weinachten!!
Comment: Thanks so much for for the absolutely beautifully decorated envelope. I really love how you decorated it. It was a pleasure to find it in my letter box today. Also thanks for the lovely goodies you put inside for me. Thanks again :)
Comment: Interesting note on the postcard regarding the postal themed stamp, thank you for that Joana. And of course I like the postcard as it shows a postbox from my own country :)
Comment: I looked up the author of your book, a very interesting history. Thanks so much for your postcard. Have a great weekend, bliss that it has arrived.
Comment: We have a lovely woods close to us where we can gather some chestnuts too. Afternoon tea is a lovely treat to have. Thanks for the lovely October postcard x
Comment: Hi Joana thank you for the Roman Holiday movie poster PC...Gregory Peck And Audrey Hepburn...I really like this one, and the variety of postage stamps. Happy October swapping peace love light
Comment: Thank you, Joana, I love the postcard even though I've never seen the Jacques Tati film from which the image comes.I was hoping my library would have it. They have a great collection of classic films , but sadly their DVD of Tati's short fims doesn't include "the School for Postmen." I have two bikes myself (one folds up for easy transport), but like you, I prefer to walk most of the time!
Comment: What a nice card, and wonderful list! Mine is similar - love the colours of the nature, lighting candles, soup, hot drinks and cosy scarves. Plus: woolen socks. So warm and cosy :D
Comment: Thank you thank you! Hearts for the stamps which has bronze and musical elements in it plus the fact that it is the official souvenir! Love Love Love. Happy 150 years of Postcards!
Comment: How unique! All those little booklets of books! Our book stores use to give away tiny little preview booklets but they stopped that. I always felt giddy with a little novel booklet in my purse to read whenever!! Thanks again!!
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful postcard😊 I saysays e3ddd must that is one book I have yet to finish reading 🐝 Reading is dreaming with your eyes open 👀
Comment: Thank you for the Elsa Beskow postcard, I love her illustrations and this is my first. I would love to collect all 12 months. Summer in Sweden sounds lovely, I got to go home to Scotland and Glencoe was just stunning.
Comment: Dear Joana, nice to hear from you again:)) thank you for the postcard that I actually love! And travelling... obsession... isn´t it? I think my farthest was Uruquay - such a great place and not full of turists. Enjoy summer!
Comment: Your frog on a motorcycle card didn't just make me smile, it gave me a good solid belly laugh! Thank you, Joana. We need all the humor we can get these days.
Comment: Thank you for the card, I love squirrels even though we don’t have them in Australia. I saw some when I travelled to USA last year. They are very cute
Comment: I love your postcard, such a beautiful picture and the sparkly mint green texture is so different to anything I have ever received on a postcard before. I like the quote, I've had this in a few swaps, I think something is trying to tell me to wander, he he. Thank you. Em. x
Comment: Vielen lieben Dank für die schöne Karte!! Petterson und Findus ist ein toller Klassiker, wobei mein kleiner Bruder die damals noch lieber mochte ich und ich ihm die Bücher dann regelmäßig vorgelesen habe. Danke (:
Comment: I absolutely LOVE the postcard you sent and thank you so, so much for sending in an envelope!! ♥️
5/29 - the Jersey map card arrived today & I love it! Thanks again :)
Comment: I love this postcard! I remember that we watched some of it in class in high school; although I can't think of which class it was. I was scared of birds for several days afterword! I definitely need to watch it in it's entirety. Thanx again!
Comment: Thanks ever so much for the fun postcard. I am familiar with the illustration but not the stories and how funny that you were in Esher - lovely town, we quite often go to the cinema and restaurants there.
Comment: First, BEAUTIFUL PC! This made me laugh so hard. Hey, good doodling. My first thought was, I'd wish for a proper genie who knows how many damn wishes he's supposed to give out! Then I thought I'd settle for permanent world and national and local peace. Just an end to violence entirely. If THAT's too much for lazy one-wish genie, I guess $1 billion would be fine. I mean, I could settle for that, I suppose. hahahaa! Also, I'll write a more serious answer to this in my journal today or tomorrow. Good question. But seriously, I hope you get a better genie hahahahaha! No, not seriously. Anyway, thanks and I'm sorry for the late rating. I've not been well and am catching up tonight.
Comment: Thanks so much for resending! It's natural that the occasional card gets lost, considering everything these small flat pieces of paper have to go through! What a fun vintage card, too! So special! Thanks!
Comment: Thank you for the pretty envie filled with all kinds of stamps! I adore the bird postcard you sent to me as well! I never saw one with glitter on it like this! Thank you for the Paris map too!
All the best!
Comment: Gorgeous postcard and stamp!!! Yes, mail/stamps is a great theme for me, yay! Hope Stockholm was fun. It’s on my list! Thank you so much!! xoxo
Comment: Thank you for the lovely swap! Such a pleasure opening your package. It felt like opening a gift. Loved the way how you described the postcards in your note too. Thanks, made my day ❤️❤️❤️
Comment: Thank you so much for this AWESOME postcard. I ❤️ It. I googled the series you are currently watching and it seems interesting. Thanks for sharing. 🙂
Comment: Vielen, lieben Dank! Eine sehr schöne Karte und noch schönere Handschrift! 😁🤠
Diese Woche schaff ich es auch mal was zurück zu schicken, versprochen!
Comment: Thank you for the cute bunny with a waffle on its head, haha! I have no idea WHY it would be there, but it reminds me of the pictures people take where they stack things on their cat's head, because the cat is too lazy to care!
Comment: Thank you very much for sharing with me the lovely nautical themed postcard and stamp a firm favourite type of mine to receive. I also liked your cute weather symbols, we've had the first sign of snow this week fortunately it was just a fleeting flurry :)
Comment: Thank you so much for the gorgeous Moon postcard and satellite stamp! 😍 I loved “First Man” - thought it was well done. Have a happy weekend and thanks for joining the swap!! xoxo
Comment: Ahhhh, beautiful envelope filled with great postcards. Now that’s HAPPY MAIL! Also in love with your Overlook Hotel paper, omg!!!! Thank you for a lovely swap!! (It is so cold and snowy here. Hats and gloves for sure!)
Comment: Thanks for the beautiful envie and lovely stamps! Thanks too for the extra PCs and the Art Noveau stickers! They brightened a very cloudy day! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Comment: hehe you're right! I cant believe some of the modern art they have there.. looked like my 3 year old did it.. lol! btw I love the stamp! thank u! have a great weekend ahead! xoxo Nadi
Comment: What a cute envelope!!! : ) Very nice stamps too. I love everything you sent! That tea looks SO good, and I’m in love with the postcards, note card and fabulous bookmark! You really made my day!!!!! Your note is adorable too. What a special swap, THANK YOU!!! xxxx
Comment: You always send the best postcards! I love that you sent me all postcards from Germany. My husband goes back to Munich again in January for a big builders trade show. I’ve got him on the hunt for postcards while he’s away!
Comment: Danke für die "Briefmarkensammlung". Das Ergänzen der Poststempel ist eine tolle Idee! War bestimmt eine wahnsinnige Schnitzeljagd. Muss ich auch mal probieren.
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful poscard collection you sent me! The postcards are very pretty, unique and intresting. I've never received any of this type and when I saw them, it made my day! Really loved the Tintin one and of course I also loved the other 4. Thanks again and I wish you all the best ^^
Comment: Thank you so much for the lovely selection of postcards, all of which I love, but especially Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday - one of my favourite actors and movies. I am thrilled with all of them. Thanks again and best wishes.
Comment: The 3 street life PCs are so perfect Joana, thank you very much! And I loved your little note and the cute flamingo and palm tree envie it came in! Many hearts to you :)
Comment: I love this! Okay, I'm a former English teacher, so this reminds me of the story by Saki--"The Open Window." One of my favorite short story authors and one of his best stories too! Check it out if you've never read it. He's one of the original writers who used "twists" that you didn't see coming.
Comment: Thank you for the Sylvia Earle card, Joana. She’s one of my heros. Would you believe I got another card from that women scientist collection in the mail today too! I read the book from which the images were taken & was blown away by the illustrations, so I was delighted when the postcards came out. Your fish stamp was a good match-up too.
Comment: Many thanks for the pretty envelope and lovey postage - and oh, what sweet surprises inside! I absolutely love the 2 postcards: the elegant giraffe card and the amazing Mickey Mouse card! And what a terrific vintage Coke order form! Fun stamps, too, in the little glassine envelope. And what delightful presentation of my surprises -- wrapped in the delicate tissue with the wonderful note tucked under a nose!!! You made me smile with great joy!
Comment: Hi Joana thank you so much for the"Come into the kitchen" Penquin PC. I love that colourful washi tape and also the colourful postage stamp. yummy chutneys :) .Happy summer swapping peace love light
Comment: Thank you for the postcard:) On the August the first I was on vacation in the Tropics in my homeland. It was super hot and while eating sweet water ices I really enjoyed the tempeatures:) While you had a relaxing Summer holiday, I went all ways to enjoy my vacation and settle things for my remigration. Now I am back in the Netherlands and I am sooooo tired;( I didn't took a moment to relax while on vacation. But the SUN is shining here, so I still enjoy these warm days.
Comment: Liebe Joana, danke für die 1A+++ Postkarten! Der Notizzettel ist mein Highlight der Woche!!! So lustig XD
Wohnst ja eigentlich wirklich fast um die Ecke. Frisch deine Erinnerungen von Schleswig doch mal wieder auf! Da gibt es einen Bastelladen, soweit ich weiß. Aber ich war noch nicht da :D
Comment: What a gorgeous postcard - thank you! Yes, I’ve heard of that book. It’s a series I think? I will keep it on my list because I have heard about it so much - must mean I’m meant to read it! Thanks so much for joining my swap. xxx
Comment: We are so spoilt to receive yet another awesome B&W card from your good self. Just the best! The ice cream stand is so topical for you in summer right now and love your hand drawn art as well. Here it is 10'c cool winter day. An Australian travel guide, how exciting!
Comment: This was such a glorious and intriguing swap! You're very artistic, and I loved investigating every bit of it. Thanks so much, and I hope you have a lovely, lovely day!
Comment: Thank you for the Science Fiction magazine cover. I didn't read many of the magazines but I did read many short stories of that type. Most were fun reads.
Comment: Hi! I loved the way you packaged everything. It truly made me feel special. I loved everything!!! And the Disney postcard was so cool. Thank you for making my day.
Comment: That postcard is so odd! Is it an eye and a tounge on it? Maby it's mean that these fruits are tasty and look good ;) Thank you for the pc. I also like the stamps and washi tape with colours.
Comment: Thanks for this beautiful swap and all the extras! I love both sides of the envie and all the little things you tucked inside! I would love to come to Germany again one day. Umarmungen aus Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Hay! Thank you so much! Two octopus! I just love them. Love the stamps too esp. the kiddie toys!! I first noticed that delish crinkly envelope. I crinkled all the way home. lol Thank you!
Comment: Joana, thank you for the postcard. I feel like you about the soup tureen. I guess it would be kind of cute when I served my cabbage soup in it. Shirley
Comment: I love cabbage...I'll eat a donut, though not really my favorite thing...but a donut in a cabbage??? Who thinks of this?! Thank you for the ugly pc!!! I don't understand it either! LOL
Comment: Herzlichen Dank für den hübschen blumigen Umschlag mit den passenden Briefmarken, der Lust auf den Frühling macht, und den schönen Inhalt. Die Karte ist toll!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely women-in-science PC. I love the stamp most of all - i have never seen such an amazing one I have been recommended Hidden Figures- I must watch it one weekend! Happy swapping to you
Comment: Wonderful envelope with the stylish couple watching TV.Stylish and creative lettering, too. So well done, and unusual in the vertical format - love the film strip washi. This is an envelope for keeping in my "best of mail art" archives together with its intricately folded note. And thanks also for the postcard and assortment of ephemera; just my style!
Comment: Joana, thank you so much for for the mouse with the umbrella pc you chose to send. how cute! i love the stamps too and this card was so pretty. thanks so much! and by the way -4C is cold. its like 20 degrees Fahrenheit and i cannot imagine how cold that is
Comment: That is an interesting way to fold a note Joana, I liked it. The air mail stickers are cool, I enjoy reading so I thought the book pc was great and I like spending time in my garden so the vegetable themed notecard was of interest. Yes, you made me smile, thank you very much ☺
Comment: Hello Joana -- thanks for the nice card from Switzerland. I do love the mountains, and hiking in them. Can easily imagine myself there! :) Best, al
Comment: Thank you so much for your snowdrop drawing. The drawing itself is lovely and your dedication to drawing outside when it was that cold is admirable! I think I would have picked a flower and retreated inside to draw it. (:
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the PC, I really love it...and nice twist with the "Eiuladung" postage stamp. Love the colorful washi.peace love light
Comment: Thanks so much! I love how you integrated your drawing with the stamp and the PC! I would definitely go to "kaffe" with this group, though the young lady looks a little sour. LOL thanks too for the art nouveau stickers. I love them! Umarmungen aus Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Thank you for the ice cream card! My favourite flavour is raspberry ripple, although I like most fruity flavours! You're right, we are still in winter here but have hardly had any snow, just a few flakes now and again. Happy swapping :)
Comment: Hello There! Happy New Year, and thank you for sharing your favorite place with me. It sounds like a great venue for cinema, and I appreciate your invitation. I would love that! and the wine too!! I plan to frame the cards you sent, loved the tickets stubs. Will dream about visiting that cinema one day - may it prosper, and may you continue making great movie memories there!!
Comment: Received your envelope today. First thing I noticed is how wonderful the washi that was ceilings the envelope and was thinking wow I would like some of that, only to open the inside and find out yes I got some â¤ï¸ðŸ§¡ðŸ’›. Also love the postage stamps. And then I got into the rest of them globe â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ðŸ’œðŸ’™ðŸ’šðŸ’›ðŸ§¡â¤ï¸, where do I start - The package of stamps, love them, the washi is wonderful the note card set the note card very pretty. To make it simple, I love everything and know how much it is all appreciate.
We are planning to go back to Europe in 2018 and visit Scotland and Netherlands, a couple of our kids are coming with us so we are very excited.
The best to you in 2018.
Comment: I loved what you sent me. I liked the note card of Paris and well everything. The postcards are great! I loved you explained the Bielefeld one. Have a great New Year!
Comment: Oh wow! I absolutely love the stationery and washi you included in this swap. Thank you so much for this wonderful collection. You made my day!! 💌
Comment: Thank you so very much for the wonderful goodies you sent! A trip to Italy sounds divine, it is a place I hope to visit one day. Thus far we have no plans, but we do tend to be last minute trip takers, so who knows what the new year will have in store?
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the lovely PC, very whimsical. I really love it. And also the postage stamps are really beautiful and so much love for the washi tape :) peace love light.
Comment: Danke für den Umschlag im Umschlag! Da war wohl ein Postmitarbeiter zu faul um die Adresse zu lesen. War nicht Standard. Also ich finde es jedenfalls toll. :)
Comment: Dear Joana,
Thank you for the postcard! I LOVE the design of the postcard. The area you live seems to be a very interesting place!
Cheers, Jess
Comment: I got your resend in the mail today. It was absolutely lovely, thank you so much for the time and effort you put into it! I'm sure the 1st send was lovely too, and am a bit sad that it is lost!
Comment: I opened your map envie with much joy today Joana! I love all the travel themed items and the poster/letter/stationary thingy is so wonderfully awesome! Many many hearts to you xoxoxo
Comment: What a lovely card and note, and I adore the extras! As to the article I'm saving it to read at my next doctors appointment, and have already added it into my bag. I look forward to reading it! My personal superhero is definitely my Dad. In my eyes he's always been able to make anything happen!
Comment: Thank you for the beautiful swap!!! The envelope is so pretty (feathers!) and I love the items you chose for me. The deer and hummingbirds are so sweet and I can't wait to use the washi and labels! You spoiled me!!! : ) Thank you for joining my swap! xo
Comment: â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸â¤ï¸ What a great envelope, love everything. Can't wait to try the hot chocolate. Thank you so much you put a smile on my face. 😀😀😀
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for icking this perfect card for me and I just loooooove the beer stamp you've selected for me too :D Our ummer has beenon a break for quite a while now. Does it ever come back? I've seen enough rain! xx Nina
Comment: Thank you so much for the mail-themed mini flip book! I love your style and your sketches/doodles! I have been enjoying too much ice cream this summer! I've been addicted to Baskin Robbins rainbow sherbet! 🌈ðŸ¦
Comment: Vielen, vielen Dank für den schönen Umschlag sund all die tollen Sachen, die den regnerischen Tag gestern so schön haben werden lassen. Danke. 💕
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the PC and the beautiful stamps/washi tape you used. Yes, I have read the book "Eat.Pray.Love" and also I saw the movie. Both very good. Blessings of peace love light.
Comment: Joana you outdid youself!!! Thank you so much! The wrapping was so pretty I almost didn't want to open it - but I did! I love it all so much. A blizzard of hearts â¤ðŸ’™ðŸ’šðŸ’–💟💕💜💛 and a big hug for you for making me feel so special 😘
Comment: Greetings Joana! What a lovely parcel you sent to fulfill this swap--so many lovely enclosures. I'm really in love with the pink/white striped bag and the beautiful postage. Thank you very much.
Comment: Hello Joana -- thanks for the nice old card of the mountains. Looks like a great place to hike, even in B&W. Neat VW car stamp, too. Our family car was a 1958 Bug, then a 1972 Hatchback. Both ran forever. Best, al
Comment: Thanks so much for a lovely envelope of goodies. I adore the stickers, especially the book plate, and can't wait to use the stamps. Have a wonderful day. Happy Swapping!
Comment: I adore all you sent. The postcard, note-cards, labels and papers. I know you looked at my profile and sent with me in mind. Thank-you so much. Have a wonderful summer.
Comment: You did such an excellent job on the envelope. And then there was this beautiful packed present inside 💙 Very thoughtful items. One of the stamps even has an immage of the little bird our grandson is named after, his name is Mees, he is 12 weeks old now. Wonderful.
Comment: Thank you so much for the fun black & white postcard! You used fun washi and stamps too! If I could travel anywhere, it would be Cuba or Tokyo, Japan. Thanks for asking! ♥
Comment: Love the quote and the picture on the postcard Joana quite apt for me as I do live near the sea. Thanks for the translation, great stamps too :)
Comment: Thanks for the awesome postcard and beer stamps 😋👄 Lips are definitely made for kissing and I can't stop kissing my new girlfriend Caitlyn. She is amazing and funny and things are going great so far. Have a wonderful day, Nathan
Comment: Thanks for the super awesome Dachshund postcard ðŸ¶â¤ï¸ðŸ˜Š My best friend might be getting a Black and Tan male puppy. She has a red and a double dapple but they are both getting quite old now. I took the girl from work last night to go see Wonder Woman as a first date and had a great time. Have an awesome weekend, Nathan
Comment: Thanks again for the black and white postcard! Funny how that seems to happen, swap partners bunched together. Thanks also for the postcard and stamp background! Best Wishes!
Comment: I love this deer/book postcard! I mean, could of be more perfect!!!??? I too am catching up on magazines!!! I will start a new book this week - which one: to be decided still! Oh I'll bet the cherry trees look so pretty. The fruit is even better!! I was in Germany last Monday!!! : ) Thank you for joining my swap!! xo
Comment: Thank you for the fabulous vintage goodies - I loved the glimpse into life in Germany in the 20's and 30's! I actually spent 5 minutes opening the package cause I didn't want to damage the beautiful envelope as well 😊. I had fun reading the recipe page trying to puzzle out what the recipes are for as well. Danke! (that's all the German I know aside from yes, no, a little night music 😂 and, apparently salt, butter, tomato...).
Comment: Thank you very much for the Postbox postcard it is my favourite subject to receive the choice of stamp to match is just right too! Nice message with the addition of the weather symbols I like that you added that as well :)
Comment: ♥♥♥ So true. It has been my whole life. I learned very early to read and since them, is like living in another world. Thank you so much for a lovely swap!
Comment: Thank you soooooo much for the lovely James Dean postcard! I love it! And your so lucky to see the cherry blossom! I love blossom, it's so beautiful!
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the puffin PC . I think my favorite puffin is number 3. I love Puffin PC's. Happy Spring swapping. Blessings of peace love light.
Comment: What a great package of goodness! From the paper bag envelope, to the pattern paper, and especially to the letter from Mrs. John Payne of Illinois, I loved every single thing you sent. Thanks so much, Joana!!
Comment: Thank you so much for such a lovely envelope. I adore the flower labels and am looking forward to using the stamps and washi. Hope you have a wonderful day. Happy Swapping!
Comment: Thank you for the great postcard! And it was a super one to received for my first ever swap. I loved the view and the car stamp was a nice touch :) Thank you!!
Comment: Here is where this goes!!! Beautiful postcard!!! Simply beautiful!! Thank you so much for a great swap. ♥♥♥
Ps.. Lucky you with that amazing weather. I love Spring too but we do not have it here... :-/ It is 38°C and I hate it!
Will update the other rating as soon as I get it.
Comment: Beautiful postcard!!! Simply beautiful!! Thank you so much for a great swap. ♥♥♥
Ps.. Lucky you with that amazing weather. I love Spring too but we do not have it here... :-/ It is 38°C and I hate it!
Edited: The postcard I received was for the Odd PC lol...
Comment: Vielen Dank für die tolle Post! Luftpostbriefumschläge finde ich immer soooo wunderbar :) Hast Du denn einige Briefe schreiben können am Wochenende? Das Briefpapier ist wirklich total schön :)
Comment: Danke Joana, diese Postkarte war wunderwar.
Ich will diese Buch suchen und lesen aber jetzt ich lese Tieren Denken von Precht. Hast du gelesen?
Comment: Yay again :) Thanks Joana. The view from the cable car must be fabulous. Special mention of the matching post mark too. Really like your b & w cards. Regards Raoul & Jeanette!
Comment: Danke fuer die super niedliche Postkarte :)
(Ich bin immer wieder verwirrt, wenn man mir aus Deutschland mit 'Es wird langsam waermer' schreiben, weil hier schon ueber 20Grad sind :D)
Comment: Hi Joana, I love the PC you sent. I am 52 yrs old and I remember well the wonderful comics they used to put into the paper. Nowadays, I think not so much. I really love the postcard. And thank you so much for using those fantastic bunny postage stamps! so cute! A real joy it was for me to receive this today. Blessings of peace love light.
Comment: Hi Joana, that's a fun card - full of action and adventure. It's certainly depicts the excitement of "let's go now!" Thanks so much! Raoul & Jeanette.
Comment: What a beautiful PC and yes it does look like a place that would warrant a trip. I am always fascinated with PCs from outside the US and especially in the countries in Europe -- so much history and such amazing architecture and design of so many different things - just amazing. Thanks so much for a beautiful PC and hope to see you in future swaps ~~
Comment: Helllooooo! It's so fun to meet people on Swap-bot and tp be paired up again 😃. I loved the postcard you sent and I adore the cool bird stamp. Until we meet again - take care â¤
Comment: Thank you for the lovely Postcard! Oh my gosh I do the very same thing I write faster than I think and go back and have to scribble it out or put a sticker over it !! Glad I'm not the only one 😂
Comment: Hi Joana, I love the PC...thank you so much. And the postage stamps are really beautiful. I too am waiting for spring. Here we have the snow drops, crocus and daffodils in bloom...although they had to dodge some snowfall. Happy swapping. Blessings and take good care.
Comment: What a beautiful image! Maybe they had a pen pal writing activity in class and now they're all lined up to mail the letters! Fun postage with the pencils and heart!
Comment: Thank you for a GREAT Up-cycled postcard!! I love it!!! It is my first swap ever of this type and couldn't have been better... Great piece of ephemera! ♥♥♥
Comment: Thank you Joana, yes, your Valentine's Day card and your cheery note made me smile. Enjoyed the "rain of roses" from the card. Loved your mail art, the postage stamps, and interesting old postcard showing working horses. Fun swap. Happy February!
Comment: Thank you for the lovely happy PC and the bit about your granny. She sounds like my kind of granny. At the moment I'm reading Hidden Bodies by Caroline Kepnes. 😊
Comment: Danke für deinen Diamanten! Das passt toll zusammen. Das Foto ist sehr interessant. Ich bin mir noch nicht komplett sicher, aus welcher Perspektive es aufgenommen wurde.
Comment: Thank you for the card--I also like the stamp with the 20s fashion. Reminds me of the last few seasons of "Downton Abbey"--great fashions. There was an exhibit at the museum here of costumes from the tv program.
Susan (brooklynbunch)
Comment: Loved your PC!!! Great line too!!! Yes, have been doing all sort of experiments with paper, water color and just basically mixed media... Getting out of my comfort zone... Your message reminded me that!!! Thank you for a great swap!!
Comment: What a great PC! I have to agree that Michael Caine probably has a lot of very fascinating stories! Oh, and that menu ... sounds yum!! Thanks so much!
Comment: Thanks for the cool postcard with awesome stamps 😋 I hope you had a good Christmas and New Year. My best friend's birthday is December 26th and we took her to the Orlando Eye Ferris wheel 🎡 and it was very fun. Maybe this year I can actually manage a date and do some traveling too. I'd like to visit Portland, Oregon and Ireland 🇮🇪. Warm wishes, Nathan
Comment: You sent me my first mail art piece ever!! And that little note, so tricky and pretty!! Thank you for all the goodies, I loved your swap!!! Thank you!!! ♥♥♥
Comment: Danke für deine coole Postkarte! :D Ist mal was anderes ;) Ob ich ein Camping-Fan bin oder nicht, weiß ich nicht..hab es noch nie so richtig ausprobiert. Aber Camping so wie auf dem Bild sieht nicht sonderlich spannend aus :D Die Postkarte musste gar nicht so weit reisen, war ja fast nebenan :) Dir auch schöne Feiertage und einen guten Rutsch!
Comment: This is one of the loveliest postcards I've ever received! I am an avid reader, love pen and paper, and anything art related, and I'm also I big fan of birds, (I actually have 4 pet budgies!) This PC has a distinct Asian feel which is very dear to me, and there are even ladybugs on the tree which is a huge symbol in international adoption â¤ï¸ It was truly as if this was custom made for me. And it arrived on a day when I needed to be uplifted so much. Thank you very'll never know how much this humble postcard blessed my day!
Comment: Hi Joana, Thanks for the great weird postcard. The image had me staring for a while....I am now looking at more of this art work. Much appreciated! Happy Holidays!! Diane
Comment: Thank you. :) Wonderful words you've written!
I visited Farmers' Market today, and had lovely chat with on food related with the vendors. Cheers!
Comment: Hi Joana!! Oh, it is so nice to receive mail from you!!! The envelope, the stamps, the mail art....simply amazing!! Everything you enclosed is great! Can't wait to try the teas. I agree with that article....winter is awful!!! Thankfully I'm not affected by the fewer hours of daylight but the cold just kills me!! Ha ha!! The beer mat and airmail labels and postcards....thank you so very much. Just perfect!!!!!!!! Thank you for joining again!!! xoxo
Comment: Thank you for the card. We have been watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark Channel. But right now I am watching Star Wars - The Empire Strikes Back. One I have seen many times.
Comment: Thank you for the swap! I love how you folded the letter... I examined it very carefully before opening to make sure that I could remember how to put it back together. The exhibition looks very interesting too!
Comment: Thank you for the cute bird card! The Blue Tit is my German pen pal's favorite bird. I've never seen one but hope to some day. Very cool about you seeing the herons! We have lots of them here along with cranes. My bird I had spotted was a Pileated Woodpecker, the largest woodpecker in the USA. They are pretty elusive but we have lots around. I just happen to get to see more as I drive 80 miles a day :)
Comment: Thanks for the fab card Joana. I love flying and planes. It is always the start of a new adventure for me. I'd love to do it more often but the hubby hates flying!
Comment: That is a cool ad pc for a post office! Sounds like a fun pc shop you found, I bet you had a blast looking around there and doing some shopping 😃
Comment: What a wonderful postcard! I like your interpretation of the theme, the symbolic journey expressed in symbols. And thanks for the reminder to send mail to loved ones :^)
Comment: Thank you for the very cute flat paper items in your first envelope! And thank you for being willing to send the two bath items to made it a proper package swap. I like and appreciate all the random items!
Comment: Hi Joana! Thank you for the neat Panama postcard and a memory from childhood for why you want to go there. My dream since childhood is to visit Tierra del Fuego in Argentina/Chile. I would love to go that far south, and have an opportunity to go to Antarctica, too. . . in the wintertime! :-) Thank you so much for sharing!
Comment: Thank you for the postcard! :) It sounds like you had a great summer! I had an awesome summer too, i went on holiday with my family to celebrate my 21st Birthday, so that was probably my favourite part! :)
Comment: Thank you so much for all the wonderful stuff! I really loved everything. Also the kids I watch speak German so they loved translating everything.
Comment: Oh my gosh, Joana, what a brilliant creation! I was delighted to see that the "sandwich" was wrapped the way a real deli sandwich would be, and then when I read the description, my mouth was literally watering! The variety and texture of the materials you used were such fun. I've been showing it to everyone. Definitely one of my favorite thing I've ever received on SB! THANK YOU! <3 <3 <3
Comment: Oh wow. That IS a crazy image! Is it art? Please say it's not a real photo! (Wouldn't the arm have been cut from the shark's teeth?) Eek! . . . Thank you for sharing! :-)
Comment: What a witty and elegant work of art! I loved the more complex binding, and wanted to immediately be more ambitious with more minizines! Thanks so much.
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful swap!!! I want to eat at that restaurant!!!!! I love the bookmarks and map and I hope you got to see the concert!! So glad you joined, thanks!!! xxxxx
Comment: Thank you for the funny postcard 😋 I just came back from Comic-Con in San Diego and that was lots of fun and the weather was nice. The weather back here in Florida is way too hot and muggy. I think I need to go back to the west coast. Have a great summer, Nathan
Comment: Thank you for the nice card of the 4th of July Cafe--so timely! Though I lived in Florida for a little while, I've never been to Key West. Best Wishes!
Comment: Thank you so much for this lovely envelope! sorry for the delay in rating - I was absolutely convinced I'd already rated you but either my memory is failing me or it didn't post for some reason! Anyway, I loved the items you chose and the photos are wonderful! Thank you so much!
Comment: Hallo Joana!
Sometimes I wonder WHY certain things become tourist destinations. Why? HAHAH This is a perfect postcard for UGLY postcard! The photographer could have snapped the photo in a more artistic way... It looks like the wall is being reinforced by pieces of wood ... how safe could that be!
Thank you!!!
Hugs and have a great weekend!
xx Gabi
Comment: Thank you for the 'not-a-postcard'! I have never actually ready any of those books! But that is certainly a good way of reusing them! Thank you for the nice wishes, best of luck with your move, I hope everything runs smoothly for you :)
Comment: What a lovely ATC. Thank you for the amazing work. It makes me feel peaceful. Her stance is so confident and relaxed and the sky coming through the window is filled with magic.
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the Filliou postcard! I would call it art, but I don't have a lot of rigid parameters for what I call art like some critics might have. I like it! Cynthia
Comment: You are so incredibly clever! What an incredible postcard, down to the Fahrenheit stamp :) I love the Devonian tea bag -- wouldn't it be great if you could bring an ancient world to life just like that?! Thanks so much for a wonderful swap.
Comment: I enjoyed reading your creative minizine. It also inspired me to start making mine. It's certainly challenging, but I finally finished mine today.
Comment: Fabulous! What a wonderful zine. Definitely my favorite one I've ever received. You are truly an inspiration. Love the design and the content. Thanks!
Comment: Very cool stitching addition to the postcard - I like it a lot! (and alas, i did nothing special for Leap Day, didn't even clean the kitchen :^)
Comment: Hi Joana, thank you for the very cool B&W overloaded truck card! I am sure you are right that people were intermingling on that trip! Great choice for the word. and thank you for joining the swap! All the best, Cynthia
Comment: Many thanks for your bird zine, I enjoy your style! I also like the origami bird folded note and how the stamp matches the envelope, and I love the fact that the envelope is a stripy bag!!
Comment: Wow! Thanks for your mail. It made my day :) Your zine is A-MA-ZING! I'm not sure is my zine good as yours:( And birds represent freedom for me and they're so beautiful
Comment: That sounds like a great play! Did you see it? Great image on the card. Thanks so much for sending that to me!
Sounds cold there...brrrrr
Thanks again
Comment: Halo Joana! Thanks for the beautiful Map PC! I always wanted to go and visit Ayers Rock in Australia. I plan one more trip, to Germany, in the next few years. We also have had little snow this year. Today, we received one inch, but it is already melting in the sunshine! Hugs from Alaska, Sherry
Comment: Love this classy looking vintage lady and how you decorated her with "bubbles" and postage stuff! Always appreciate the real stamps on postcards too-thanks for swapping!
Comment: Thank you so much for my postcard...I do love that quote by Mary Poppins too! Even more so, I absolutely love your squirrel tape, sooo cute! As for 'luck', I want plenty of it this coming year!! Hahaha Once again, thank you Joana xx
Comment: I absolutely LOVE these swaps! They are some of my favorites!! Thank you for the cute postcard made from the MAOAM packaging!
Happy New Year ! I hope you are well and that 2016 has started off wonderfully for you and your family!
Comment: Hi Joana--thank you for the swell "chunk!" I don't think I'd ever heard of Nappo before. It's not really something I'd go for: when we're talking about candy, I head straight for the chocolate! Very nice stamps. Have you ever gotten to go inside a lighthouse, if not live in one? I've been in a couple. The closest, though, has been closed for many years due to some structural problem. I do get to see many lighthouses, though, driving up & down the California coast!
Thanks again for a welcome card!
Comment: Thank you, what a great photo! It's getting cold here, too, though not as cold as where you are. We had lows in the 20's all last week. It's was lovely to receive a card with a little reminder of summer!
Comment: Hello! Thank you so much for your great postcard! I loved it :-).
I very much enjoy traveling and flying, but with four kids I don't get to do it as much anymore. A few years back, when we only had three kiddos, we went to South Africa. My best trip EVER! I never wanted to leave. My husband used to live there :-)
Comment: Wow these were wonderful. Thank you so much. I'm planning to take the train to Salt Lake City soon. I love long train rides. Have fun on holiday.
Comment: Thank you for the wonderful "chunk"--I recognized the Kinder Egg colors right away! I do come across Kinder Surprise, and also Zaini eggs sometimes, and enjoy opening them in hopes of a great surprise. I think the chocolate is bad, so I toss it, but I am always hopeful for the toy, and have found some good ones! We sometimes see a couple of "street legal" brands here in the U.S., where an abundance of concern demands that the two halves of the shell not be fused, and sometimes the toy in those is cool, too! :)
Thanks again for a great card & note!
Comment: Such a fun swap!! Thanks for the info about the chunk o cardboard you used for this swap! I will be looking for these yummy bits of deliciousness at our international market!
Happy Swapping!!
Comment: Love the postcard! Love the stamp! This is one of my favorite postcards ever received. And thank you for your patience while I was away from home for a month. I had a pile of mail when I returned :)