Swap-bot Time: June 1, 2024 11:18 pm


Date Joined: January 21, 2017
Last Online: June 1, 2024
Birthday: December 11
Country: United States

About Me

Hi, I'm Leslie. Below, is the saga that is my life - LOL πŸ˜„

415/24: UPDATE: I am going to be out of town for the last week of the month. I will rate any swaps I receive after 4/20 when I get back in May. I have added 3 May swaps. None are profile related, so you can start anytime.

3/18/24: I have 7 swaps ready to go. WHY do people wait until the last day of the swap to Mail? I won't mail mine until I see my partner has sent theirs (due to past instances of swaps being passed on and claims of them being their own work.)

PLEASE send as soon as you have completed your swap.. My dash fills up and I run out of options to sign up for new ones.

2/14/24: Updated: current postage rates:

        First Class (under 1 oz) = .68 cents
        Postcard = .53 (if over 4x6, 1st class postage)
        International = $1.55

PLEASE, if I owe you postage, let me know.

Quick note regarding my swapping: I usually have swaps ready to go a few days after they are assigned. I will wait, however until a few days - or the day of a swap deadline to send, if you have not sent yours to your partner. If you don't mail before the deadline, I will mail on the "last day to mail".

Please be sure to rate!

If you have not received a swap from me, please let me know before you rate. I have not missed a swap deadline to date, and will always message you if I think it will be late. I mark "sent" when putting outgoing mail in the mailbox.


3/7/24: I am having an RFA (Radio Frequency Ablation) on 3/12. This means they will be cauterizing some of the nerves in my back. This is in an effort to ease my pain. I have made several swaps in advance and will send them when I see my partner has sent theirs. I did them ahead of the surgery in case I'm not up to doing anything for several days. Please Pray it goes well, send good vibes, etc.

9/2023: A HUGE THANK YOU to all that sent my mum Birthday cards this past August. She was thrilled to have such an outpouring of friendship. She is finding it difficult to "get old", and your wishes really cheered her up. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU πŸ˜ƒβ€οΈ

8/22/23: Great news! We are officially over covid. 😁 Oddly enough, I read that covid doesn't clamp on to porous surfaces...usually germ disappears in several hours. On non porous surfaces though (like a doorknob or tv remote) can live for days! Also, more likely to get from the air than a surface! Wouldn't you think it was the opposite? I'm still glad I sprayed my swaps well with sanitizing spray. Sadly though, can't do anything about the postal πŸ“¬ workers. And, bonus (not), heard on the news there is a new strain... it started in Michigan.

I see mum has some birthday wishes...THANK YOU! I will check those in soon too πŸ˜ƒ

4/23/23: finally tracked down biopsy results. Long story... but biopsy was INCONCLUSIVE. Still having nerve issues. Hope all of you are enjoying your Spring.

1/13/23: If I never saw another doctor for the rest of my life, I'd be a happy person! I saw 5 doctors this week. Each one takes 45-60 mins to get to the office, then wait around for them to call you, have the appt, then drive home. What a waste of time! And, to top it off, every time you go, they give you more procedures to have done.... it snowballs. Grrr 😬. That's how my week was. I hope yours was better.

12/9/22: UPDATE. Hi everyone. So sorry some of the swaps were rated a bit late. I've had so many Dr appts, and have had so much trouble sleeping at night (which causes me to spontaneously doze during the day). They have canceled the kyphoplasty for now, and are doing diagnostic spinal injections instead. So, I had another set of spinal facet injections yesterday. The second day is always wonderful! Almost no pain at all. Feel almost "normal". But last time, the pains started creeping in slowly each day... 🀞🀞 it won't be so bad this time. But, at least I had a REAL sleep last night πŸ˜ƒ.

11/25/22: update: Ok.. Spent 6 hours at the doctor on Wed. I went for an 11 am appt. Left after 5 pm. Yesterday, I was all screwed up due to Wed. at the dr.. Between the freezing cold offices all day (my fibromyalgia hates the cold), and no meals, only "snack" of cheezits, cookies, etc... my blood sugars were all screwed up....thank goodness they had some snacks and water. I am scheduled for Kyphoplasty starting on 11/30. Check out the link: https: //biospine.com/ spine-procedures/minimally-invasive/kyphoplasty/. - I read that there should be some immediate relief. I am counting down to those days!!

11/6/22: Hello everyone. I actually had 1 night of almost "regular" sleep. I woke up a few times, but got back to sleep in a short time! However, last night was back to horrible, horrible sleep. 🀨 I am not going to be signing up for many swaps at this time of year. I know I will be seeing my son, and I need to be stress free for the holidays in general. No matter how much I love to create my swaps, they can still be stressful - I know you all understand that! Thank you everyone for your love, caring, and understanding of my situation.

10/31/22: Hello. Thank you for checking my profile. I am having so much trouble with Pain. Somedays I barely get out of bed. Please be patient with me. I think I may end up going to the hospital one of these nights. I have to get back to some semblance of a normal life soon.

9/22- It's sad. My mum didn't receive even one card or postcard for her 91st birthday. It's a good thing I didn't tell she would be getting well wishes from other places.

7/27/22- Hello all my dear Crafty friends.. My mum will be celebrating her 91st birthday on Aug. 25. In the past, a few people in a pocket letter group on another site sent have her pocket letters as RAKs (not on her birthday). On here, there have been a few very sweet people that have sent her letters and pcs- just because. I will say, she is not big on writing back...her eyes are getting to the "90 yr old weary syndrome", but she enjoys, loves, and is amazed when she receives a card from a stranger. If she shops with me (doesn't do this very much now she has serious hip pain and we dont want to expose her to covid), She loves to bring my swaps to the mailbox at the end of the driveway when I have some going out. She loves picking up the mail too, to see the pretty envelopes and interesting postcards. I was wondering, if it isn't too much trouble, or you find an extra postage stamp for the month, or you have an extra moment to write a quick note, would you mind sending her a postcard or notecard (store bought is more than OK!) with a simple Happy Birthday message? ... the rest of my family is scattered around the country, and will call to wish her a happy day, but we all know it's not quite the same as a physical piece of mail... we all get that! Thank you in advance, if you decide to do this.. Happy summer! Her name is Susan Coleman, and she does live with me, so address is same - 403 Seawane Circle, Auburndale FL 33823-5801

Regarding my pain issues- I found a little bit of relief since being approved for a medical mj card. Very helpful for getting to sleep on bad nights.


  1. 8/4/22: nothing has been received yet. Sent message on 8/2, it has not been read. This is more than a couple weeks late now. Will have to give a 1 rating very soon. Contacted 7/17/22: by howdyholly - Art Collab PC #104. She will send late.

7/2/22- Hello! Please note that I will be rating late for a while. It's hard for me to sit with my back against a chair, it sets off all the nerves in my back. Please be patient. It will just take a little longer.

6/17/22- Hello my friends. Tonight, my heart is breaking. My beautiful, darling Kohi passed away. My mother and I went to Olive Garden for a late lunch, when we got home, she was on the bottom of her cage, wings spread, and unable to sit upright. She was fine when we left. And has not shown any signs of illness. Sadly, that is usually the way it is with our avian friends.. healthy one minute, and Not the next.. I was able to hold her for 2 hours, give her "head rubs," and keep her warm. At the last minute, she jumped out of my hand, and flew to the floor. This was her "Rally". She passed one minute later. She was 15 years old. A great age for a cockatiel.

4/22/22: have been having several health issues on top of my back issues. I have developed a trigger thumb which is very painful - even with a brace. I have also started having falls. My leg is buckling under me, and I crumple to the ground. There is no warning. I fell in a restaurant, and at home yesterday. I may have broken my big toe. Please forgive me if I rate or respond to ratings a little slower than usual. I promise I will get my swaps out on time as usual, or notify you if there is a reason I can't. I hope everyone else is having a wonderful post-Easter experience. πŸ˜€πŸ°

1/23/22: UPDATE - This year has been difficult to date. Several bad things have happened. A. Several friends in the next community came down with COVID. B: The grandson of a friend was sentenced to jail time. C: My sister's husband passed away. D: A friend of 26 years passed away. E: Found out one of my cousins is in stage 4 renal failure. F: Another cousin has brain damage from a car accident last summer. G: A 3rd cousin has "LONG COVID" H: My Fibromyalgia is giving me trouble, and I am having a lot of trouble sleeping.

My swaps have Not been affected.
I am still on target with all send dates.
This month, I have been a couple days late rating at times, but I am up to date on all ratings at this moment.

11/15/21: I have officially hosted 100 swaps! Isn't swapping great? I've met so many new friends, it's fantastic!

10/18/21: Amazing! I have completed 1001 swaps as of today.... WOW!

I LOVE 🐌🐌 mail! Finding something other than a bill in my mailbox, it really makes my day!


Colors: I love all shades of purple, Jewel Tones and bright colors. Not fond of pastels.

Sadly, my beautiful Kohi passed away. There is not a day since that I do not think of her. --- I have a beautiful Cockatiel named Kohi no Karemu. Coffee and Cream in Japanese. She is a beautiful buff color as opposed to the normal white. She has the orange cheeks and some gorgeous yellow tail feathers (see my Avatar). Unlike females of other bird species, the female cockatiel cannot talk or imitate other sounds (like whistling tunes). This does not keep her from letting me know what she wants! If I am cooking or crafting, she has to have her nosey little beak right beside me to let me know if she approves or not 🦜. She also loves it when I bring her cage out to the table on the deck for breakfast. If it's raining, she makes a stink about not going out. She also greets us vocally before we even come in the door, if we have been out. She is a great companion, and cheers me up immensely when I am down. πŸ’œ I wish I could put a vest on her and make her my companion animal.

I was a Lead Investigator in a paranormal group in Nebraska (Great Plains Supernatural Investigations) for several years before I moved to Florida. We all loved doing investigations, and listening to the evening's recordings can be tedious, but when you find something... WOW! Miss doing this!

Rating: please be thoughtful when rating. If your partner sent you 3 things pertaining to a swap theme, when they only needed to send one, or sent some extras that your profile says you like, be kind...rate with a heart. Don't you want to to make someone's day a little more happy?

RATING REGULAR SWAPS: I'm not sure what's happening in our little swapping community... It seems that for every correct swap I get, I also get two that are not correct. I know we all love being creative, myself included, but requirements are there to be followed. They are Not a suggestion. Please follow them.

POSTCARDS: if you want a 🧑 from me, please write more than a word or three on a postcard swap you send to me. I would like to hear about you - your likes/dislikes, your day, the weather in your area, your pet, your craft faves, fave TV or movies, your fave quote,, anything that's on your mind.... Sending me a postcard that only says... "Happing swapping" or "Have a nice day" for example, will not prompt me to give a heart rating.


My 92 yr old mother lives with me. She still has her license (but doesn't drive here in Florida), and makes friends easily. She had a TIA (mini stroke) just before Christmas. I stayed with her in the hospital for the 8 days she was there. She is doing physical therapy, and is doing well.

My son and his girlfriend live in NY City. They are loving the hustle and bustle of the city. Both are following their dreams. Hooray!!!

Favorite Crafts

For Crafts, I am a long-time stamper and scrapbooker. I can do most crafts, however, I have not yet been able to get the hang of sewing, crocheting, or knitting... but I would still like to learn someday.

PHOTOGRAPHY: I am an amateur photographer. I use a point and shoot camera, and have gotten some great pictures! I mostly photograph nature. Plants, birds, dragonflies, butterflies. People are okay, but to me, they spoil a nice scene more often than not!! That includes pics of me. I'm not a selfie fan, and I usually don't want to be in a pic when I'm traveling...I know what I look like!! I want to remember where I've been πŸ˜‰

I have found my inner artist from being on swap sites. It's exciting to be challenged like this!


My all time favorite books...

  1. Martians Go Home

  2. The Disc World series by Terry Prachett

  3. The Harry Potter Series

  4. A book from childhood... The Diamond in the Window.

  5. Little Men by Louisa May Alcott (any LMA book, truth be told)

  6. The Golden Compass trilogy

  7. The Omnivores Dilemma


I really love almost any music. Depends on my mood as to what I listen to.

Classical: Rachmaninoff, Bach, Schubert 40s-80s Grateful Dead John Denver Jimmy Buffet - RIP 9/2023 πŸ™ Lulu Bread ELO Schooner Faire Fishermen's Friends Big band (wish I had learned how to Swing dance when I was in High School!)

Favorite Movies

Favorite Movies... hmmm So Many!

I love old movies: Examples: Singing in the Rain, Bringing up Baby, Oklahoma, Carousel, The Philadelphia Story, American Graffiti, Back to the Future (the first is the best! and yes, it IS a classic!), Dirty Dancing... and the list goes on.

If you like classic movies check out this website... http://www.omahafilmevent.com. My friend Bruce puts on these events, and before I moved, I was a volunteer at the bi-annual events. A fabulous, fun, and tiring evening!

I am addicted to older British Sitcoms - in particular: Butterflies, To The Manor Born, The Good Life (Good Neighbors - in the US), and Monarch of the Glen. Just started watching this British show - New Tricks (very cool, one of the Butterflies cast is in later seasons - I actually recognized him!)

Not British but, I loved The Last Man On Earth ... and was so upset when it was canceled. I feel they need to do an anniversary show to let people know what happens.

2 Broke Girls, The Connors, MASH, Scrubs, Peak Practice (British), New Amsterdam, The Good Doctor, and The Resident (hmm, theme emerging!). The Rookie. Outlander, Lucifer, Sabrina (original tv show), Don't Trust the B in Apt 23, Ghost Whisperer, Cheers, The Big Bang Theory, Eureka, Warehouse 13, Mare of East Town, The Mentalist, and so many more. The key is, I like to be entertained, and like shows that don't talk down to me like I'm 3 yrs old. I also don't like gore for gore's sake.


Please, do not feel you need to send me anything from below...however, if you have some of these, please use them to create your swap! Or you can send some if you absolutely insist! πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ lol.

I love all things Dyan Reaveley/Dylusions. I took classes from her in NE. I used to use the Dylusions paints and inks in a lot of my Swaps (now they are packed in abox and I can't get to them. The colors are so vibrant, and the Dyan Reaveley stamps are so funky and fun, I love them! So receiving anything you create with these would be fabulous!

I have taken classes from Dina Wakley, as well. She is a beautiful, warm, talented woman! I learned how to use a gelli plate, and I love it! Never thought I would want to learn something else, but Gelli printing is awesome.. try it if you have a chance. Loved, loved, loved the Dina Classes!

I love Tim Holtz products too. He is so creative! I don't own a lot of his things, but someday, I will.

And, I really love Smash Books. They are what I have been using on my trips for the past few years.

Swap On!!

..Thank you!


TEAS: please DO NOT send me teas. I have several allergies that prevent me from drinking certain teas. Thank you for understanding.

SCENTS: SMOKEY OR STRONG SMELLING ODORS. I have Severe allergies and any smokey, moldy, musty or other strong smelling odors (including perfumes, and candles). They actually make me physically sick. Sadly, I have thrown swaps in the trash before I even open them due to the strong odors. 😫


People who won't give a πŸ’œ for a postcard they received. Postcards require thought too. If there is a nice note, or the pc is profile related, your partner is trying to connect with you by sending a special pc. Why withhold a heart ❀?

People who don't rate.

People who rate 1 without contacting their partner first.


If I am participating in sock swap.... partner, please note- I take a size 9-11. I wear crew or short crew socks (above the ankle). I am unable to wear ankle socks any more due to a failed ankle surgery several yrs ago, and experience pain when things touch my ankle. Thank you!


POSTCARDS and SUCH : I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I'm NOT a fan of the Disney franchise. I haven't even been to Disney World, and it's only 1 hour away. I'm also NOT a fan of Snoopy. Please, do not send these items if you have another choice in your stash. Thank you!

Not notifying someone that you will be late is just plain rude, and subject to poor ratings ... I will contact you if I expect my swap to be mailed late.

REGARDING QUESTIONABLE ENVIES: Please note that I am a responsible and reasonable swapper. I always try to bring questionable envies to the post office, but sometimes one will slip through and need extra extra postage πŸ™ PLEASE, if I owe you postage, let me know. Also, I have been receiving a growing number of POSTAGE OWED envies. I am now telling my postman to return these to the sender. I have been burned by people not paying me back. Once in a while the postman will pay the extra postage and I will pay him back. I will ask you to please return the money to me by unused postage, postal check, or cashiers check. Please note, I have no control over when he does this!

*NOTE: Since the move to Florida, I have been mailing most of my swaps from the mailbox. If your swap has a post date on the item that is one day later than I sent from the mailbox, I apologize. I always hit the sent button when I put the envies in my mailbox. Unfortunately, it may take the mailman (yes, it's really a man!) a long time to get it back to the post office for sorting and mailing. And, I regret that the postal service may have issues if I tell my postman to get the items to post office ASAP ... and darn the rest of his route!! Lol. πŸ˜‰

I can't believe that I actually have to put this on my profile: Swappers that owe me postage:

***Speedy Found Image #16 - $2.68 UPDATE: 3/7/24, 9/7/23: still have not been paid.
1/22/20: I was told by a member of the Swap Bot Flakers that it could be a problem at my end of the postal system. I should go and talk to my post office. So, I did. Here is what they told me: PO stated they would never let an envie that size, with a tracking number, be mailed for $1.10 in stamps. The Post Office will give out piles of tracking numbers to people that mail a lot of items (who knew?). She had to have put the tracking on herself and mailed it. So, when I got home, out of curiosity, I Checked USPS website, here is what it says for the tracking number on the envie: "Label Created, not yet in system A status update is not yet available on your package. It will be available when the shipper provides an update or the package is delivered to USPS. Check back soon."
If it had been mailed with the PO and they put the tracking number on it, it would be in the system as having reached its destination at my house. And the proper postage would be on it.


Lyndylou5 rated for AATC: CABBAGE ROSE POSTCARD on May 30, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the lovely cabbage rose postcard. I love the colors!
Response: So happy it arrived! I think those colors are great together, so I'm tickled that you like them too! Thank you for the ❀️ rating πŸ™‚. Thank you for joining the swap. See you in the next one!
Comment: Aww Love the sweet Elephant mama and baby! Great idioms too! There are SO MANY! I sent out an Alligator card to one swapper "See ya later alligator: and a Monkey one to another "Monkey see monkey do!" So fun! Gabi
Response: So glad you liked it! I love Monkeys uncle! that's great! It's amazing how many animal idioms we use on a daily basis, isn't it? Thank you for the ❀️ rating πŸ™‚ See you in the next one!
Comment: What a delightful ATC. i love it.
Response: Oh phew! I was hoping I understood the directions well enough! Thank you. So glad ylou like it. Thank you for hosting the swap. It was fun to try a new technique/style :-) thank you for the heart rating.
Iiris rated for Used Stamp Chain Card Round 49 on May 20, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the extra cards. Your letter was interesting!
Response: Your welcome! Hope you have fun with this. Love communicating with my partners! Glad you enjoyed the letter! Have fun adding your postage to the card! Thank you for the for the Heart rating, On to the next round... right? LOL :-)
Comment: Hi Leslie, thank you for sending Blythe's home to me to finish and send home! And thank you for the extra to start another one. Warmly, Ginger
Response: Ginger.... Thank you for letting me know that you got the cards. Have fun with them... grab some tea or coffee and color away! :-) Thank you for the <3 rating. :-) See you in the next round. To the Crayola Box!! LOL
123Poggy123 rated for AATC: EASIEST CABBAGE ROSE EVER on May 20, 2024
Comment: Your celery stamping came out very nice. It looks just like a rose!! Love it. Thank you for the special postcard.
Response: Thank you! So glad you like it. I love the technique, and hadn't thought about it for ages... thanks for jogging my memory! I hope you enjoyed "stamping" yours too! Thank you for the heart rating! Stamp on!
ktk8 rated for ETCET: Acrylic Paint & Celery on May 17, 2024
Comment: Love this swap..... the celery ATC is just lovely..... and the RAK one is FUN too.... many many hearts to YOU.....
Response: Thanks....:-) Enjoyed the celery leaf one. As expected, got more paint on me than on the paper!! I guess I'm a sloppy artist... do you think any of the great painters were messy? Van Gogh, Monet, Grant Wood??? LOL Glad you liked the fun one too! thank you for the heart rating. Hope to see you in the next atc swap! :-)
bb2 rated for RSC - Green Card on May 15, 2024
Comment: TY for the fun green card. And, TY for explaining how you created it. I will have to try the straw technique. Thanks for joining my swap and for the fun extras too.
Response: Joan, always a pleasure to create a card for you. πŸ˜ƒ As always, it took on a life of its own once I got started! I'm so glad you like it. The straw technique is easy - you can do it! Thank you for the ❀️ rating πŸ™‚. See you in the next card swap. πŸ˜€
Comment: Thanks Leslie! I love the PC!
Response: Welcome Yooper! I thought you might like the PC πŸ˜ƒ Thank you for the ❀️ rating πŸ™‚ See you in a few weeks.
FLWAVE rated for ETHP: ATC with TH die on May 13, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the great ATC! I love the texture you created in the background, which worked wonderfully for your die image. A very nice addition to my ATC collection.
Response: So pleased that you like it!! I love creating for others. Thank you for the ❀️ rating πŸ™‚ I hope we can swap again soon. Enjoy.
Comment: thanks so much
Response: Thank you for the β™₯ rating. Hope you like the pc.
Ace330660 rated for Found Image ATC #6 - USA on May 9, 2024
Comment: What a unique choice for the image! Thanks for the extras as well!
Response: Glad you like it! I love searching for these!! Thank you for the β™₯ rating πŸ™‚ Enjoy!
TonyaAshe rated for SSM: Find four #35 on May 1, 2024
Response: Glad you got all 12 of the items I sent. Hope you can use them.
Comment: Yay, thank you for a fun swap! What a pretty pc - look forward to working on it and getting it home to you asap! Thanks muchly!
Response: Hope you have fun working on it. Thank you for the β™₯ rating. More importantly, thank you for hosting these swaps πŸ™‚
lob rated for Art Collaboration Postcard #135 (USA) on Apr 24, 2024
Comment: What gorgeous colors! I can't wait to add to this one. Thanks for sending!
Response: Thanks! I think these swaps are fuΓ±. Enjoy your section!
Comment: Thanks for your nice note and the lovely PC. I have not had luck with Mod Podge. I guess I should experiment with it more.
Response: Hi Neal. Glad you like the pc. I won't be here when yours gets to me. It will be held with my mail at the post-office until I get back. For me, I usually use a glue stick for the first sticky layer, then mod podge over that...but I have used mod podge for a whole postcard and for ATCs...I think the key is not to flood it with the mod podge. Sometimes the flood of glue will cause your picture (or whatever) to tear. Let it dry, then use another layer of MP to seal and protect it. Let me know how it goes. Thank you for the β™₯ rating πŸ™‚
Cindiva rated for AATC: EMBOSSING FOLDER BACKGROUND on Apr 20, 2024
Comment: Love it. So pretty with the blingy butterflies.
Response: Glad you like it! They needed that bling! Thank you for the β™₯ rating πŸ™‚. Thank you for joining the swap, hope to see you in more πŸ˜€
samsstuff rated for AATC: ATC with people on Apr 13, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the lovely ATC and the little extras!
Response: You're welcome! Thank you for the β™₯ rating πŸ™‚ Enjoy!
syjterrell rated for Used Stamp Chain Card Round 48 on Apr 11, 2024
Comment: Thank you for passing along the card and all the extras! 🩷🩷🩷 God bless you, have a wonderful week! P.s. your handwriting is cute!
Response: Ha! Thank you. No one has ever said my handwriting is cute before! You are sweet to say so. You have a wonderful week. Have fun choosing your stamps! Thank you for the β™₯ rating! See you in the next round πŸ™‚
Comment: Thanks! I've heard good things about The Good Doctor but never saw it myself.
Response: We had heard a lot about it too, that's why we decided to give it a try. We're hooked now! Glad you had fun with the swap. Thank you for the β™₯ rating πŸ™‚

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.9979 1675 154 160
Completed Fives Threes Ones
1513 1861 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
34 642 837 0
View all


mchesser12 on May 24, 2024:

Thanks for adding to my Art Collab pc.

tcornell on May 18, 2024:

Thank you so much for the awesome package of goodies that you sent me for the Swaps In The USA April WTA- I really love everything! It made me smile :)

wolfeagle on Dec 25, 2023:


bb2 on Dec 22, 2023:

Thank you for the glittery, fun Christmas card and lovely note. May you and all your family have a very nice Christmas.

PinkPengin on Dec 12, 2023:

Please tell your mom that her card arrived today and was a HUGE bright spot on a long workday. I actually sat it on my desk so that I can look at it all week because it's shaping up to be a long and rough one, and it really gives me a lift. (And thank you for making such a wonderful card, too!)

debbiespoms on Dec 11, 2023:

Happy Birthday Leslie! I hope your day is extra special and spent with those you love! And, happy Holidays to you and yours!

heliogal on Nov 28, 2023:

Thank you for the pretty napkins and papers and stickers all for my AATW november wish for mushroom/botanical things. I appreciate you thining of me and giving me a happy mail day!!

bostianh on Nov 13, 2023:

Thank you for the AATW Nov surprise wish! I love the Christmas themed goodies and the coffee paper is perfect for an upcoming coffee journal project I have planned. Thanks for your kindness.❀️

CookieMomster78 on Nov 11, 2023:

NOVEMBER AATW: Thank you for the excellent assortment of plaid and checkered papers, Leslie! I’m looking forward to using these in my next project. Hopefully we get to meet up at a future workshop with Yooper! πŸ™πŸ½ 😁

mchesser12 on Nov 1, 2023:

Thanks for adding to my simple pleasures Art Collab postcard that came home today!

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