Swap-bot Time: February 12, 2025 12:40 am

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backroadgypsy on May 11, 2012:

@TC - I simply did not want that username...I like all of my accounts to have the same username (blog, tumblr, etc.). My apologies for any confusion. Hopefully this situation will be straightened out.

TC on May 11, 2012:

I was wondering why you aren't using your first profile, @mulberryandmain ?

cerenaleigh on May 11, 2012:

A fellow photographer who loved TWD, The Office, and has fur-babies!? Hopefully we can get paired up in future swaps!! = ) I'm a fan of Mumford & Sons as well! Not to mention Storage Wars!

cerenaleigh on May 11, 2012:

Glad to meet another Walking Dead fan!! Excited that you're in the swap! Profile looks great!!

cerenaleigh on May 10, 2012:

Hi! Thanks for joining the Whooo Doesn't Like Owls? Swap. Welcome to Swap-Bot! I just wanted to ask if you could fill out your profile a bit more. It will definitely help you get items you'll love and it will help other swappers know that you're here to stay! = )

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