Swap-bot Time: March 9, 2025 8:34 pm


Date Joined: March 15, 2010
Last Online: August 22, 2024

Country: Czech Republic

About Me

15.3. received replacement package from Lexidh, huraaay :-) 23.1. 2012 Still missing all not rated christmas swaps

WARNING - it seems that Czech postal services are currently either near collapse or that the employees are this winter stealing much more than usual ... missing most of X-mas swaps (all of them had at least 1-2 months send by date befor christmas)

I have now rated all received swaps, so please if you are still missing rating from me, please check with your post if they have any info where what you sent might be or if its already time to get your money back. When resending please use registered mail or some other insured way (and insure for default sum or generously, at the moment it seems you risk a lot that they will have to give you money back :-K ).

If you have a lot going on at the moment in your life at the moment i dont mind to wait a little more. Just let me know, no biggie. Also because it would be absurd to wish me merry christmas now when we have new year already, you can wish me happy birthday or something like that ... (i have them at end of March).

If you want you can try to write on your envie this: "NEZNICIT, NEUKRAST, DORUCIT, OBSAH MA VYZNAM JEN PRO ADRESATA !" ... it means in Czech "Dont damage, dont steal, deliver, whats inside has meaning only for recipient!"

About me

I am 30, working in IT (so i apreciate geek humor ;-) but dont have lot of time for crafting :'-( ), no kids yet. I am not that much into kawai, i rather like stylish and well designed stuff. I am very tolerant about weird and "adult content" and such in art as far as its not something ilegal, so dont worry about really expressing yourself when you send me something handmade.

I love science fiction, fantasy, artsy books, cartoons, interesting how-to books, funny books

Check out this movie about my city:


About mail to / from me

America, Asia, Australia and Africa guys, please be patient about packages from me, I am from Czech Republic (one of countries in European Union), not from US, so it make take a lot of time till they arrive (they must go through customs, go to the right planes, again through customs, etc). PS: I use always airmail for packages from me and it still sometimes takes lot of time.

If you send me something, dont forget to attach the green customs declaration paper and declare it as gift, value can be realistic (for stuff for non-business purposes is in my country limit 150 euro per package which is around 180 dolars, so dont worry i will not pay any customs fee).

Also make sure to use airmail, otherwise it would take reaaaaaly long time to get to my country (it would have to cross the oceans on te boat ...). If you send something large or heavy, then surface Air lifted is also ok, just please let me know about it so i will know I have to be more patient. (I mean by that that I have excell sheet where I mark everything send or received and sending dates also, which helps me to track what takes lot of time, so If you PM me about some package, I will make there note about it)

Mistakes that some swap-bot participant(s) made so far in my address

  • my city is not BMO, it is BRNO
  • please do not forget my surname! I live in appartment building so if you forget it, it will not be clear who is the recipient! (In my country appartments are usually marked by names, not numbers, thats why I dont have appartment number in address)

Favorite Crafts

jewellery making, modeling from fimo, paper crafts, collage, drawing, painting, cross stich, stamping, ...

Craft supplies: I dont care if i get craft supplies in original packaging or not (so if packaging is unnecesary heavy or large feel free to remove it}, used or not, but it must be clean (I dont like rusty and dirty things), although nonremovable stain on tools are ok if they still work

Favorite Movies

science fiction (both Star Trek and Star Wars, Terminator, atd other good quality ones), fantasy, horror (mysterious and thrilling, not stupid brutal ones), comedy (You Don't Mess with the Zohan for example), action films, good quality cartoons (i absolutelly love Lilo & Stitch, i have seen it at least 20 times ...), historic movies (especially exotic ones) ... I especially love not very symphatetic but wise and mighty charactes with cool surprises in their pockets (like profesor Snape from Harry Potter)

Favorite Television

Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate Atlantis (especially I love Dr. Zelenka - character who is from Czech Republic like meeeee :-) ), Stargate Universe, ...

from music i like anything (i like variety, not listening to same song or band again and again) except techno, trance and modern reggae

Favourite foods

Sushi (i know, you would hardly mail it but you can send me receipe / photo of your favourite one or variation you invented), chocolate (however i have to watch my figure so i prefer those with 50-70% cocoa content because with really strong chocolate i can still take one piece and leave rest for later, and low cocoa content chocolate somehow disappears after opening ...), fruit tea, white, green and red tea, very unusual teas (for example i once treated myself with tea containing also cocoa beans and spices), strawberies

If you will send tea containing lot of ginger or some other very strongly tasting spices and the information on teabag is not in english, please attach a note that it contains it so I will not be so surprised when I will drink it and I will choose right moment to drink it :-)

Examples of food/flavors interesting or rare for me (may be usefull for you if you want to choose for me some candy, flavored tea or other edible):

  • tropical fruits (like lichee, mango, pineapple, kiwi, pomegranate etc)
  • smoothies, sherbets
  • dessert flavors (like cheescake or toasted marshmallow for example)
  • coctail flavors like (daiquiri, pina colada, margarita, etc)
  • other weird flavors (peanut butter, maple, root beer, soda, cantaloupe, chilli, etc)

Not so interesting food/flavors (common in my country)

  • moderate climate fruits (like Blueberry, Apple, Pear, Raspberry, Cherry, Blackberry, Watermelon, Peach, Plum)
  • hazelnul, walnut, peanuts
  • cheap tropical stuff exported in large quantities everywhere (Lemon, Grapefruit, Banana, Coconut)

Colour and graphic preferences

Colours I like: red, wine red, navy blue, cobalt blue, grass, purple, copper, grey combined with a right amount of other colours, all muted colours and patterns, bright colours only when well used (it should not look like designed by 5 year old)

Motifs I like: anything vintage, old, stylish or exotic, space and universe, astronautics, ordinary interesting people, tulips, popies, chameleons, anything tribal, dragons, paisleys, hawaian, art nouveau, chameleons, koi carps

Colours I dont like: too bright pink and turquoise on large areas (however a little of pink and a little of turquoise is ok it its not too much of it) and too much glitter

Motifs I dont like: fairies, unicorns, pokemons, cutesy puppies, cats, flowers and butterflies (but realistic flowers and butterflies are ok), holywood stars ( except handsome charismatic guys in their 30-40s like Evan Mc Gregor :-P ), silly teen idols, hearts, Diddl (seems to me like freaky mutant)

I also have very good and healthy eyes, so if you send me something printed at home, make sure it will have as high dpi as possible and that your printer is working, calibrated well and that printer head is cleaned, because i can see the pixels and symptoms of badly working printer very well even if most other people dont see them.


small items

  • buttons with cool pictures or interesting relief
  • beads of unusual shape or with nice pattern or picture on them (no czech glass - i can get it here cheaper because i am czech)
  • handmade beads, buttons, pendants and charms
  • unusual lead and nickel free metal jewelry components (i love most those from copper), if you are not sure if its lead and nickel free but if its something extremely gorgeous, than attach a note about it and i will cover it with varnish or paint something before using it
  • patterned cabochons (or with pictures) and cameos
  • small found objects that can be used in jewellery or collage (it can be a lot of things, event an old keychain, broken jewelry, anything with hole etc.)
  • molds made from your favourite little treasures (like buttons, beads, pendants, brooches, stamps etc. that are so precious to you that you would not give them away), if you dont have mold making silicone/latex or similar stuff, then even polymer clay is fine
  • embroidered or printed ribbons
  • fimo canes
  • nicely patterned papers
  • small pieces of fabric with interesting pattern (i sew very very rarely and only tiny things, sometimes i glue fabric somewhere as a decoration or embelishment)
  • interesting (especially exotic and old) pictures from magazines
  • short poems, funny quotes
  • delicious healthy recipes (especially for sweets)
  • small tasty unusuall sweets or chocolates (dont have to be healthy if they are really small ;-) )
  • unusuall tea (but no black and mint tea please)
  • your drawings, paintings, sketches, ATCs, example of your favourite colour combination
  • tiny metal boxes from absolutelly anything (i have lots of small stuff so there is always something to store in them) and if they look cool, even better :)
  • stickers with my favourite motifs (see colour and graphic preferences above), rub-on transfers (but not glittery, they somehow dont transfer well)
  • interesting/weird postcards
  • decotape (without kawai characters please)
  • lip balm with desert flavor (like caramel, chocolate and other yummy things)
  • something interesting related to your country (if you are from US than only related to your city/region because i dont want to end up with milions of US flags)
  • cool stamps on your envies (please not Grand Taton Nation Park: Wyoming stamp if possible, its on 80% of envies from USA that are stamped with stamps and it gets boring)
  • jelly beans (see favourite foods section to see which flavors i would love best)
  • leaflets/books/CDs/DVDs about dancing or dancing based excercises/workouts - used is fine, however remember that i am under 30 so dont send something that was "in" 50 years ago :-P
  • scifi magazines in english with stories inside (not the ones with just book reviews)
  • crafting magazines (beading, homedecor, polymer clay, stamping) - if not in english, then only if pictures are descriptive enough to somehow understand what to do
  • .... and other nice treasures ;-)

bigger items

  • decorative metal boxes containing something yummy so I can enjoy emptying it and then I can store something in it
  • towel with some hawaian motif like hibiscus/wave/turtle/hula dancers
  • accessories like headbands (that dont press on the head much, i dont want to have headache!), corsage, scarves that look good with business casual style (I wear mostly white, grey, black and blue to office)

Artwork / ATC topics

I would love to receive your artwork about absolutelly anything, Your skill doesnt matter, just have fun drawing ;-)

If you have problem to come with the topic, you can use for example http://www.wikirandom.org/ and chose one of three topics it will show you on your first try. Name your artwork after the wikipedia topic you choosed. Have fun!


!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-( ENGLISH TEXT IN STICKERS AND RUB-ONS Mainly i dont like card making supplies with english text (like Happy birthday, Congratulations, etc.). Seriously. I am Czech and my family and most my friend are Czech. I really am not going to include a dictionary with a birthday cards and such. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:-( brass

:-( jewelry components containing lead (poisonous), cadmium (poisonous) and nickel (causes alergies, stuff leaking nickel is banned in EU)

:-( cheap rocaille (those very tiny beads) because i can get better czech rocaille myself (however good quality rocaille like Delica and such of unusuall shapes and colours is always welcome :P)

:-( plant seeds (i dont have a garden)

:-( magnets (i have lot of electronics at home and dont want to damage anything so i dont use magnets at all)

:-( mint/peppermint in tea (even small amount in mix, because i get used that mint is only in chewing gums so mint tea seems to me like chewing gum tea)

:-( i am not that much into kawai (sushi and kimonos and other life-like stuff as well as anything Lilo&Stitch is fine however smiling toilet paper rolls etc is too much)

:-( silly teen stuff like teen idols, High School Musical etc.

:-( techno, trance (those give me headaches) and modern reggae (seems to me like random noise)

:-( paper ephemera downloaded from internet and printed on home printer (especially black and white printer) . I may survive high resolution colour print in on good quality paper with well calibrated printer, but thats very hard for most people to achieve that at home (and its still just picture of the real paper ephemera).

:-( package with your instructions using american metric units so I have to recalculate them. Please be aware that in my country we use meters/centimeters/milimeters for length, kilograms/grams for weight, Celsius degrees for temperature and liters/mililiters for liquid amount!

:-( edibles made in 1.) countries with poor norms (sorry I dont want to die young on cancer) 2.) edibles from your country not made in your country 3.) boring candy (for example M&Ms, and grape sugar stuff like PEZ) that is everywhere - its not worth the postage (US folks please also note that German candy like Milka chocolate is very common in my country because it is next to Germany)

Flaked by / Not rated by

Flaked by:

@BonnieM in Bead Exchange, angeled by:noone (i was flaked in my first swap by its coordinator :-( )

@Lamira in QUICK bead swap #2, angeled by:noone yet

@TikiDaye in Profile ATCs for Newbies, angeled by:noone yet

@lindsay in make my day, angeled by: @janetblythe through Make it Up Flaker Swap


emilyjane rated for Europe A-Z Xmas Treasure Swap on Jan 25, 2012
Comment: Thankyou so much for your parcel! You are so generous! I love everything, and cannot wait to try recipes from the recipe book <3 The mango jellies are delicious, I wish we had something like them in the UK <3 Thankyou!
Comment: Thanks - I am looking forward to opening it!
Lunanai rated for Christmas cards and small gifts on Nov 30, 2011
Comment: Thanks!
Comment: I did not have enough discipline to leave your package untouched until December... so I can already tell you now that I LOVED everything you sent me!! :) Thank you very much!!
Comment: Thank you! I love the deco tape you have used in wrapping and the packages are lovely! I'm happy to decorate my home with them until I can open them. :)
Comment: Got them =) Love the wrapping and tags!
Comment: Thank you =)
Tina78 rated for Christmas cards and small gifts on Nov 3, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the package, will rate with heart after christmas, I do not open all gifts before christmas eve:-)
hbranco2003 rated for Random Envelopes - Europe on Aug 10, 2011
Response: Thank you for correcting from 1, after 1 year from swap it was quite a shock whats suddenly happening...
Morticia rated for New Year Swap Edited on Mar 22, 2011
Comment: Hello dear! Today I received your great box and I loved everything, thank you! It was very nice to do this exchange with you!!
itsfabulous rated for Good quality beads swap on Feb 23, 2011
Comment: Got my beads today and I think you most certainly must be the best swapper on all of swap-bot! I'm amazed that you sent me so many different kinds and in such lovely colors and textures. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
stampmaz2000 rated for Milions of stickers ATC on Feb 10, 2011
Comment: I got your re-send atc today! Thank you very much, It was so interesting to see how you interpreted the theme, I really loved it:)
Robje rated for Intl Big Fat Stuffed Envelope #7 on Jan 22, 2011
Comment: Thank you so much for the generous packadge!
Lexene rated for World of Warcraft ATC on Jan 10, 2011
Comment: Thanks for the ATC =D I hope you too are enjoying cataclysm now! ^.^
Comment: simply awesome package, cannot say which one is my favourite, i wish i could give u more than one heart for this.
rodwickl rated for Trade Your Stash Swap #3 on Jan 3, 2011
Comment: loved everything great items
bluecrayons rated for Mix of Profile on Dec 28, 2010
Comment: love this package.
K80 rated for Send me 25 items in my color on Dec 21, 2010
Comment: I love the package you sent me! All of the cool black items are very cool. I can use all of the supplies and I will be wearing the jewelry this weekend! Thank you! :-)
Comment: Thank you for the ornament - apologies for taking time to rate, Christmas got on top of me.

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 145 11 13
Completed Fives Threes Ones
117 177 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
3 27 87 0
View all

Currently In

  • the user is not currently in any swaps :(

Currently Hosting

  • the user is not hosting any current swaps


VerkaCZ on Dec 20, 2011:

OMG seems swapbot at the moment doesnt send me notifications when i get a message here :-(

also seems Czech Postal services have receiving of foreign mail near collapse (they have plenty of money but instead of paying to have enough staff for needed work they sponsor football clubs to have VIP tickets for their management etc.), ....

....missing most of latest swaps, so i will not sign to anything new, also please dont send me any private swap offers at the moment

if you think about resending me anything, if possible please use some trackable (so i can check where it is stuck) or at least insured way (in that case insure it high enough so i will either receive it or you will at least get plenty of money back :/ )

MichelleWillow on Oct 20, 2011:

Welcome to Swaps for Europe group!

Thank you for joining us! We hope to have lots of fun swapping and mingling together :) If you haven't already, stop by group forum and introduce yourself! And we'll be happy to hear your ideas for swaps on our ideas and brainstorming thread!

Looking forward to swap with you in future! :)


RyeRye on Dec 22, 2010:


MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR from the Crafting Queens group~

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