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Date Joined: April 29, 2010
Last Online: December 31, 2014 Birthday: December 3 Country: United States My Facebook So Fun! |
Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, Owl City, Dashboard Confessional, The Postal Service, Obadiah Parker, Jack Johnson, Train, and all kinds of modern worship music
The Walking Dead, Longmire, Hell on Wheels, Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution, Kitchen Nightmares, Lost, Celebrity Apprentice, Smallville, America's Got Talent, Grimm, Revolution,
The Bible, The Hobbit, The Giver, Divergent, The Eyes of the Dragon, The Frog Prince, Pure, biographies, and anything about gardening, canning, and being self-sustained.
I crochet, cook and bake, make everything under the sun from scratch (cleaners, mattresses, pillows, clothes, soap, lots and lots of yummy food!), sew quilts, and clothing, make rugs, paint, write and draw; I also scrapbook (though this is not really my 'favorite'...I feel like I want to have memories preserved for my kids)
I am a Jesus loving, married to an amazing man, kind of hippy-ish, young mom raising three beautiful boys (7, 5, and 1) with one princess who's 3; we have a yard full of edible plants. My husband is one of the greatest blessings in my life. Jesus is the biggest blessing in my life! I take on a lot of projects, and I finish most; I do have some UFOs in my craft room, but I'm trying to work through them. :) I have a tendency to settle for nothing less than the best in my efforts. I am obsessed with real food, real milk, done from scratch, with love cooking, and all the hard work that comes with that. It is SO worth it. :) And I say hippy-ish because I have a distaste for teflon, FP in beds, chemical cleaners, prescription medication, artificial anything and dye/GMOs/corn syrup/ingredients I can't pronounce/MSG... probably lots more lol
It should also be noted that I have pierced ears but they are gauged (00) so I can't wear regular earrings...they would have to be re-swapped or given to my niece (not that she would mind! :)
ALLERGIES: I cannot use anything with chemical scents/perfumes or dye. So, even though I love to smell girly, I cannot use most body products unless they are scented with essential oils and are very pure. Thank you so much!
Pop tabs (clean, any color, but not painted.),
I'm also really into yellow (think sunshine not easter egg), scarves, scrap fabric at least 2 1/2" x 2 1/2"(especially creams, whites, reds, yellow, and grey), Send me something yellow and it will make me smile. :)
Specialty fabric I would love (at least a fat quarter): small brick print, "water themes"(like fish, jellyfish, whales, pirate ships, etc) in small scale (think smaller than 1" designs), hello kitty, lego, ninjago, TMNT, Captain America, ninjas, trucks (especially construction vehicles), the Avengers, Superman, the Hulk, Spiderman, and foxes
I would also love lace trim for skirts and dresses for my little girl; at least one yard.
Anything homemade by you,
planting new things in my garden,
the color GREEN (deep green is the best) or Yellow,
I'm more of a deep colors girl than a pastels girl.
yarn (natural fibers),
sewing, crochet, or redwork patterns,
Owls, swallows, foxes
homemade toys,
chocolate, esp dark! (Summer is here...120F this week! Melt warning! :)
vintage sewing patterns (think flow-y 70s shirts and big full gypsy skirts or I especially love vintage patterns from the 50s and 60s),
Swap Cards,
Bible verses with a little bit on why you sent me that passage,
Positive, uplifting, make ya smile ANYTHING, really. :)
My kids are really into dinosaurs, big trucks, tools, coloring/painting, bugs (a nice bug catcher or plan for one would be sweet!), Thomas the train, puzzles (age appropriate of course), also, learning activities like very basic science experiments, shapes, or letters are great.
Learning activities for phonics or numbers 1-20 much appreciated!
We have a play kitchen so if you make play food or send felt/fabric/crocheted food you bought, that would rock!
We have great piles of stickers, so unless you think they are themes my kids will especially love, please don't send them.
18" doll clothes always welcomed
Please don't send candy for my kids; I am super picky and would rather just ask you to not send it than truly show how anal I am about what I allow. LOL :) Thanks~!
Also, if you happen to be a homeschooling momma, I would love to hear what curriculum you use, why, and what the pros and cons to it are. I love the advice of others and the fun stories that come from other moms! :)
My husband loves the football team the Eagles, anything football, really; candy, hiking and biking, Smallville/superman, X-Men, the color blue, and cheesy comedies/action movies, 3x T Shirts.
Anything pagan/wiccan/magic/wizards/witches/spells etc, anything with graphic 'adult content' or swearing, pastels, most Disney (except Cars, Toy Story, or Wall-E), cats, plain paper or paper in tiny, unusable sizes. Also, we do not celebrate Halloween and I don't teach my kids about santa or the easter bunny...so I have no use for anything with those themes.
I re-use packaging if possible. I will re-swap things I can't use. I give hearts according to whether or not someone takes time and puts effort into something, not just if someone sends a lot of stuff (though we all like to get big swaps, I'm sure :). Especially for things like small swaps or email swaps, I heart anyone who is putting their heart into it. Along those same lines, sometimes I do send extras, if I have them, or even if I'm just moved when I read your profile to send you something specific. It's not to get hearts, but to make someone's day. I'd like to see more swappers being all about the giving. If I want something specific, I will go buy it. You send me whatever you think I will like, and I will most likely love it. Or, my kids or my husband will. :)
From Sharings God's Grace Group:
Thank you so much! I'm glad you like my quilts. It didn't take too long to quilt. :) I wish I was better at machine quilting but I can never seem to get the lines straight. I would love to be able to successfully machine quilt. I love making quilt tops, but despise the actual quilting process! Haha. Thank you for taking a look. As of now, I'm posting something new every Monday!
Best, Courtney
Hi! I received your envie of embroidery items that I won from your RAK. They are all very amazing. Thank you so much! I will surely enjoy crafting with them. Best regards! :) <3
CONGRATS!!! I see you are at 103 now!!! I just saw your thread in the Quilt n Things Group and entered your lovely & Thoughtful RAK!

Thanx & Blessings, cc
Christian Swappers Group ;-)
Hi Jenna! Just a friendly reminder that the send by date for my Garden Seed swap (R6) was yesterday, and I'm seeing it as "unsent". Please do let me know if you have any questions. :) Arianne
Just joined Swap bot and checking everything out. Came across your profile and had to say you seem like a really cool person!! Have a great day =]
You are very welcome!!
Hi, so.glad you joined the secret sister swap for ST%M! I invited you to education outside the schoolhouse, hope you'll come over and say hi! If you want to friend me on Facebook I can suggest some awesome homeschool resources, I'm always happy to encourage other homeschool moms!