Swap-bot Time: December 26, 2024 1:25 pm

All ratings for SweetChildOMine

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MissU rated for Rainbow PRIDE on Jul 3, 2008
Comment: Partners were assigned May 30, swap was due out June 17. You have not yet pressed "sent". Please send me my swap.
befana rated for Goddess ATCs on May 22, 2008
Comment: I think you did a great job on your first ATC. Very creative and unusual. I like it. I am giving you a heart usually heart are for putting extras in the package but you deserve a heart for creattivity.
Response: Thank you! I had alot of fun with that one! :)
LMM rated for Goddess ATCs on May 21, 2008
Comment: Good Job on your first ATC! Make sure you identify the swap on the card/envelope/note so that your partners can easily rate!
Response: Thanks! I'll definately do that next time. :)
bontkwagga rated for Keep-It-Simple-Profile Swap 1 on May 9, 2008
Comment: I love your package Emily, thank you so much, I wish I could give you more hearts!
Response: Yay! I'm glad. I hope you post some pictures of the kittens! :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.0000 2 1 1
Completed Fives Threes Ones
3 3 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 1 2

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