Comment: Thank you for such a neat ring! Those colors are SO interesting! I will cherish it forever -especially since I've never received anything from New Zealand before! Thanks! :)
Comment: Hi Porcelina,
Thank you for an awesome bookmark and gorgeous scarf! I **LOVE** them both, sooo beautiful and sooo special. Thanks for thinking of me and Happy Holidays! Kim :o)
Comment: Hi Porcelina,
Thanks for a great swap with some of my favorite things. I love that your 3 year old decorated it! Happy Holidays to you and your family! Kim :o)
Comment: LOVED my parcel!!! handbag notepaper was extra cute, can't wait to try the tea as I am a tea fanatic! All I can smell is your lovely tea in this parcel. Your son did a great job of decorating - clever idea :P
Comment: hi, I actually just got it, the same day I got your message! Thanks so much for the nz stationary, I miss the country a lot and am crossing my fingers I might get to go back next year.
Comment: Thank you very much. Tea is very deliciuos and smell from envelope was amazing. When I opened my mailbox I thought that this smell is some perfume ;DD
Comment: OH MY thanks for the tea, I TOTALLY LOVED IT ;;__;; The scent of the envelope was so good! I already made that lime orage and It was delicious. I need to save the roses for some special event! I'm jealous that you're having such a warm weathers right now... XD Here it's just getting colder. Today it was almost -20ĆĀ°C. I want my summer back!
Comment: Thanks so much for sharing! It was a long, but good, read! My sister was premature and weighed close to what you did. Glad you didn't have any problems from it!
Comment: I love this card! I agree that the punching didn't exactly "work"...but the beaded dragonfly is very very cool and I will definitely be stealing this idea.