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Original Member
Last Online: July 14, 2021 Birthday: October 2, 1965 Country: United States |
I am one of those folks who thinks crayola should make perfume and that lives by the motto "life is too short for beige". Give me a paper wrapped straw, a bit of odd paper and a candy wrapper and you will find me fiddling with it until i have made something. Yes, I am that person. I have kind of given up on learning to work on cars... but have you seen "art cars" ? i might have to rethink that. I am married to the most wonderful man. We have been together since high school and married for 33 years. He inspires me, enlightens me, he spoils me, supports me and of course enables me to do art everyday, all day if i want. He is the very best of husbands and best friends. I have 2 grown children... a son and daughter plus a wonderful daughter in law. I was blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom while they were home and now my husband ( did i mention he is great?) told me I should "retire" since i put in my years as a full time mom. So, unless the need arises, I am enjoying my retirement from being a stay at home mom and now just am stay at home ME.... unless Hobby Lobby calls and needs me to come stock their shelves from the stuff in my basement..
I am a bit of a magpie in that I collect many little things and years ago after a vacation with my husband that included antique stores, thrift stores and even a few garage sales my husband pointed out that I seldom buy anything just for its own sake...but I buy supplies to make into something. I am the one who will buy the old sewing basket for the seam tape and button cards, the partially finished embroidery project or the odd lot of wooden tasting spoons. I hardly ever know what I will make or use my treasure for but i can get almost giddy over odd bits of broken jewelry, a ring of misc keys or small unused glass bottles that might have once been meant for a dose of medicine...I got 500 for $5... and still have about 450.... LOL anyone for fairy dust necklaces ?
I have never been able to settle on one craft and become a master at it. I am just pretty good at most things and got luckily blessed with an artsy gene.I have done just about everything along the way and still intend to try a few more things as the opportunity arises... Imagine what i could do if i could weld! or use a plasma saw! When I make something it is seldom just one medium... sewing things, I add from the hardware store,... working with clay I play with rubber stamps and use buttons as stamps... jewelry might mean charms made of felt covered poptabs then beaded or cut off swizzle sticks... I don't think there is a button or a piece of ribbon that i would turn down, nor a game piece or a pretty candy wrapper. All my drawers could be considered junk drawers or treasure chests depending on your point of view. I am guessing by now you know which side of that debate I stand.
We gave up cable to pinch a few pennies 2 years ago and thanks to Netflix, I have opened my couch potato experience to lots of British tv shows. I am not such a sci fi fan but I'll overdose on Doc Martin, Foyle's War and Midsomer Murders. I guess blood and guts are my favorite genres... medicine and murder and some mixed. I still do enjoy the DIY shows and the historical mini series, but I have decided many of the HGTV shows are all the same and I don't miss them too much.
I would rather shop at a flea market or thrift store. And I would much rather travel to Europe to visit their flea markets than to visit some posh hotel. Give me a chance to do the 100 mile garage sale journey than a day or two laying around a pool. I have been told I am a reverse snob.... in that I prefer things with a previous life than something brand new and trendy. I kind of dress like a wantabee gypsy...funky fabric jackets and vests over black leggings and tshirts.... Embroidered tablecloths made into skirts, Fantastic kimonos as flowing jackets... And my hair... well from chopsticks, to paintbrushes, purple to chartreuse, anything goes. If i ever win a lottery... my big splurge will be a dozen pair of wild and crazy frames for my needed eyeglasses.
AMAZING MAIL ART GROUP has a ~B I N G O ~ Game starting SUNDAY if you wanna play! Just check in the group and select your words, say you're in & pm me your list! ;-)
ENJOY!!! Blessings, cc
thank you!
Best first line on a profile I've ever read! That made me smile :)
i love reading your "about me"! you're hilarious!! :D
Morning, I have messaged you about the altered bottlecap swap, with no answer from you. So I thought I would try this route. Did you get the swap yet? And if you did would you please rate me? Or let me know if you didn't get it so I could resend it. Please let me know so I can close this swap down soon. Evelyn
Just wanted to say.....

TAG ur it! I just tagged you in the A.R.T.GROUP Wish List!! ;-) Please pm me your addie!