Original Member
Last Online: December 2, 2007 Country: Portugal My Flickr Photos |
I like: fabric ribbons buttons nice paper rubber stamps paints/art supplies miniature things dollhouses dogs crafty stuff I can use handmade stuff pink Pucca Blythe doll Lati doll japonese caracters/magazines/books I collect: sugar packets, pencils (of places I've been, or just different),and free postcards amigurumi origami to travel- and learn about other cultures cinema music colors polka dots visual inspiring books photography and.. I'm a romantic!
I don't dislike anything in particular.. but I'm very picky with earings.. and I wear them rarely. I'm picky with candy.. I like chocolate and chocolate lollipops and chocolate icecream, so I normally don't eat candy except chocolate. No candles please, I make my own and I have a lot of them...
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