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TereDiane1954 on Feb 22, 2012:

Wow. I've just joined last month, and without fail, all of the people I've met and swapped are wonderful. Some of them I liked enough to continue writing to, and I now can call them my new friends. I've received some fun and interesting crafts, and had the pleasure of giving my own crafts to others. Why so negative?? There are lots of great people here, and you don't seem to want to give them a chance! Your attitude is really sad. Seriously, you need to make a change before you end up completely alone, and I don't mean that in a harsh way. Think about it, please.

VivaLaDiane on Feb 22, 2012:

And if you're glad to be done here, why would you continue to log in?

VivaLaDiane on Feb 22, 2012:

People are in a rage over what you're doing but I think you are hilarious. Why would you give 2 fucks about the site enough to check in every single day if you're so disgruntled? Thanks for the laugh.

kittylover on Feb 20, 2012:

I don't know if you're using your prior story about a brain tumor as your excuse but there really is no excuse for how you've been treating others. You sent a really mean threatening message to a very sweet friend of mine saying you were going to rate her a 1 if you didn't get a postcard from her in a few days. Plenty of others here have been through horrible ugly diseases but they still know how to be kind and loving individuals. You might take some lessons. Or just go away.

Pashanista on Feb 20, 2012:

Wow you are a very angry..bitter negative person.

KraftyCrochet on Feb 20, 2012:

She is here feeding off of all these comments, this shows you how pathetic she is as a person. Shes not worth the stress. Karma will bite her HARD. Just sit back & watch, people like her are STUPID.

darkshines on Feb 20, 2012:

I am not normally a negative person, but you have got to be one of the bitchiest people I have ever had the displeasure of coming into contact with. You have given some of my really good friends really shitty ratings because you are so stuck up. Please leave this site and never come back, we don't want you here.

susieq11 on Feb 20, 2012:

Why bother having a profile!? Do you think anyone will swap with you now!?

susieq11 on Feb 20, 2012:

So you signed back on to hand out undeserved 1's??? Please just leave. You have created your own drama. No one gets flaked this much or loses that much mail.

aussielisa on Feb 19, 2012:

Please contact your swap partner about the Panoramic PC Swap. You have rated a 1 without contacting and changed your address to XXXXX so she cannot fix.

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