Swap-bot Time: July 2, 2024 3:26 pm


Date Joined: July 6, 2022
Last Online: July 2, 2024
Birthday: July 9, 1990
Country: Australia


-April 2024 I recently came back in March 2024 after a year hiatus as when I first joined, I also found out I was pregnant and due to personal reasons, Swap Bot was not on my agenda and I left a few things in the wind, but I really had no other choice at the time, and it wasn't on purpose, I just forgot. Since being back I have worked hard to show my good name once again and I thank all the beautiful ladies who have helped and given me a chance to show I am a good person.

May 2024- With all out holidays our mail and post office has been all over the place and seems things are being stamped and sent whenever they get to it Sorry to everyone in advance.


May 31, 2024- πŸ’― swaps hit!!! Omg for me this is definitely an accomplishment I am proud of considering I can back In March after a year off as I joined and now in 2 1/2 months, I've hit.... 100 swaps!!! Wooooo πŸ™ŒπŸŽ‰

About Me

Hey all :)

My name is by Natasha Also go Tash or Tashee I'm from Queensland, Australia. My daughter was 1 in February and is the light of my life. Everything I breath is for her. Yes, Swap Bot, pen palling, and my FB group are my hobby, but I do it in my time when not busy with her as I'm sure most parents would. I never thought I would get the chance to be a mother, so every moment is a precious blessing. Time just goes way too fast, as now (June 2024 @16months she is more a toddler).

I have a FB Group Tashee's Beautiful Penpals and I have an album there for all my Swap Bot swaps that I'm in the process of categorising. I know a lot of people use Instagram and I have made one a while ago but have never gotten into it unfortunately as I like having everything organised in albums and not sure if Instagram offer that.

What I love and Enjoy

I watch a lot of YouTube with majority now revolving around Sims4, and DIY craft, sewing, knitting, pen-Pallers and their work creating letters and crafts plus more odd things. My newest thing for myself is this site thats I learnt about from youtuber and Instagramer brittanymcgowan , so if you do happen to see this, thankyou....

If anyone has any advice or tips I always welcome it. Im sure as time goes on my profile will update (not good at talking about myself and always forget something) so until then. Hope you can give me a chance to grow with you all


LavenderSprinkles rated for GH: 24 Hour Meal Log-Int'l on Jun 30, 2024
Comment: Thq ks for the list. Hope you have a good upcoming month. Have a blessed day.
ambhi2024 rated for LSRUS: Send a PC to 2-Int'l on Jun 28, 2024
Comment: FINALLY received the card. Thank you SO much!! Seems it’s been on quite the journey! πŸ’•. I love the Aristotle quote.
Comment: Thanks for the swap. Have a lovely weekend. Stay blessed my pal.
Comment: The mail finally arrived! Thank you for the things that you've assembled together; I appreciate the notes that accompanied each item.
Response: Most welcome, definitely new to some things but hope you like it otherwise
Comment: Thank you for the items, I just received them I feel bad having to rate you a 3 but it shows that this was sent out on 5.16.2024 I didn't receive a message from you that I can see that stated it would be sent out late.
Response: I'm sorry you feel that way. If you read my profile, I actually stated back since May our post office had a sending issue and then holiday issues. I found it easier stating things on there then having to remember to message everyone individually. Considering you have received from me before and know I send, this is a bit upsetting
ileimgruber rated for PREGNANT or NEW MOM penpal <3 on Jun 11, 2024
Comment: Ok its been two months with back and forth message exchange. Will for sure rerate when any swap arrives.
Response: Messaged again cos this is 1 is not fair. I've told you in the last message I resent. I cannot help mail going missing. You are not the only one unfortunately. I done the right thing by rewriting your letter and this was sent June 4 as discussed in our last message from June 2
Comment: Thank you! :)
HexG rated for Sticker swap on Jun 5, 2024
Comment: I love everything!!! Thank you so much! I wish I could give extra hearts! Have a wonderful day! Hugs, Mar
Response: ohh im sooo glad You have a wonderful day too xx
Comment: Thank you very much for this swap.
Comment: Thanks so much! My username is a joke on my height. I am rather short (5'1) and so my siblings and I joked that I am just 4 gnomes pretending to be a person.
Response: I'm guessing you are the shortest sibling lol ... That's pretty clever with your username then. I'm glad you got this one.
papercraft70 rated for Private Food Packaging PC Swap on May 27, 2024
Comment: Thank you for the cardboard swap. Hope someday I find time to answers all the questions you ask. 😁
Response: Hahaha can't help myself, you intrigue me so much and love getting to know you
Comment: Thanks for the nice selection of the two versions of The Little Mermaid. It is most appreciated.
Comment: Thank you so much for joining this swap. Your birthdays sound lovely. Happy swapping.
UKrebel85 rated for April 2024: What did you read? on May 25, 2024
Comment: Thank you for your email, I don't usually read this type of genre but I will definitely give it a try :)
Response: Yes I found we were definitely different in reading genres but it's all about expanding our horizon and looking at something we wouldn't normally right lol
Comment: Thanks for The Little Mermaid images and gifs. I love both the movies.
Comment: Thank you for the swap. I apologize for not being more in touch with you about the long letter robin. I am extremely disappointed in all of the ones I started. Everyone was gung ho to join but after the first round, people kept saying they never received them, didn't want to be a part of them anymore and just threw everything away, or ignored my messages. I put alot of time and effort into these and felt so annoyed at how everyone just dropped the ball. I spent alot of postage as well. If I ignored your messages, it was because I had just about had it with being lied to, deceived and blown off. I appreciate that you were one of the few who wanted to continue, but at this point, I want nothing to do with the robins. If you don't want to swap with me anymore, I understand. It wasn't a personal issue, just something I wish I never started. I also took alot of harrasment from many of the ladies. Swapping and writing should be fun and the whole experience to me was not. Again, I apologize if I ignored you or made you feel bad. Thanks for honoring this swap.
Response: I apologize that happened to you and that I took it personal. People do ruin everything. Did you ever receive our one back as you were first and I was last so I sent to you. I'm happy to still continue to do swaps. I know I have you for another. But also appreciate you rating me for this swap honestly. I have always had the impression you arena nice and honest lady
Kaneli82 rated for Stickers and a Sketch - April on May 20, 2024
Comment: Thank you. :)
Response: Hope you liked it. Simple but personal
Comment: Thanks this sounds delightful. I enjoy peach desserts. Will try this out soon.
Response: I'd love to see.pics of yours
Comment: Thank you!

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8718 54 2 5
Completed Fives Threes Ones
128 74 3 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
25 61 42 0
View all


yvonne401 on Jun 21, 2024:

Hi Tash! Please excuse my message. I forgot you were in Australia and it is now winter there. You were doing all these summer swaps and it definitely confused me.

Love and blessings,

Your friend, Yvonne

yvonne401 on Jun 21, 2024:

Hi Tash!

Wishing you a wonderful summer! Hope you have some fun in the sun!

Love and blessings,

Your friend, Yvonne

yvonne401 on Jun 18, 2024:

APDG ~ Ice Cream Deco Swap

I absolutely love ice cream!

Love and blessings,

Your friend, Yvonne

yvonne401 on Jun 18, 2024:

APDG ~ Summer Deco Swap

Hope you have a wonderful summer!

Love and blessings,

Your friend, Yvonne

yvonne401 on Jun 18, 2024:

APDG~Movie Series #6-Dirty Dancing-June

Great movie! I've watched it many times!

Love and blessings,

Your friend, Yvonne

ElisaMarcuz on Jun 18, 2024:

Hi dear swap-bot friend!

This is for the APDG~Movie Series #6-Dirty Dancing-June swap.

Enjoy them!


ElisaMarcuz on Jun 18, 2024:


This is for the APDG ~ Summer Deco Swap.

Happy summer!!!!


ElisaMarcuz on Jun 18, 2024:

Hi dear!!

This is for the APDG ~ Ice Cream Deco Swap.

Happy summer!!!!


CraftyMommaonaBUDGET on Jun 17, 2024:

APDG ~ Summer Deco Swap Mail Deadline: Jun 30, 2024


mchesser12 on Jun 16, 2024:

!for: APDG - Ice Cream Deco Swap

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