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moonlightflower on Oct 26, 2011:

Leave A Nice Comment #6

Wow, your daughter Mari is very lucky to have a wonderful mother that would take her on so many trips or vacation. I would hope to go on a Disney Cruise at least once in my life with my daughter who is 2 right now. Children are wonderful aren't they? They really do make life endurable. After a bad day at work, seeing your child's smile and come to you melts all your troubles away.

incorrigible on Oct 25, 2011:

Ah, I feel like I found a kindred spirit. =D I was a single mom for 8 years. That only just changed a year ago. Isn't traveling with your kids the most amazing thing? I love seeing all the magic of the world through their eyes! We're heading down to South America next. I hope you LOVE Australia! =D

Marryth on Oct 25, 2011:

Hello, fellow-Amanda - and to Mari as well! :) I really enjoy traveling too, though I haven't had the opportunity to go very far - I'm dearly hoping that we'll be able to after we buy our first home! Ireland and Australia are both high on my list; I hope you're able to visit Australia soon! :) One of my two favorite colors is orange as well - it's so happy!

I hope you have a lovely day! :)

'Leave A Nice Comment #6' swap

signalflare66 on Oct 19, 2011:

Hello! I'm one of your partners for the "Positive Comment For Your Partners Profile." Wow, I'm jealous of all your travels! I'm too busy with school right now to really travel, but one day I plan to see the world when I have the time. Australia is first on my list, I want to go scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef!

How do you like the Disney cruises? My bf and I were thinking of going on a cruise during Spring Break next year and can't decide on which Cruise line!

dolcxvita on Oct 14, 2011:


Hi Amanda and Mari. Such a pleasant profile. I enjoyed reading about your travels and I hope you will be able to go have a lovely time in Australia soon! :) take care and happy swapping! :) [Positive Comment For Your Partners Profile]

sgjolinar on Oct 14, 2011:

Hey, I've been to a few places. Canada, Belize, Guatamala, Iceland, Englad, and France. My husband and I try to leave the country every 5 years. In the off years we travel around this country, usually trying to fit in baseball games where ever we go!
Where have you been?

badandknowsit2 on Oct 13, 2011:

positive comment for your partner profile

I love that you are helping your daughter explore new places and things .

mutantpenguin on Oct 13, 2011:

I'm one of your partners for the Positive Comment on your Profile swap. I, too, think it's wonderful you do this swapping for and with your daughter! She is so lucky to have you as a mom! I can imagine all the fun that must be when you decide what to swap and then do it. What a great mom!

strawberrymilkmade on Oct 12, 2011:

Aw, shoot! It got cut off. Let me try again! :D

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strawberrymilkmade on Oct 12, 2011:

Hi! It's so nice to see you're doing this for your daughter. You're really inspiring. How on earth did you get through college while taking care of a baby? (I'm struggling to study a new field now, with a young baby.) You're doing all that I hope to do!! It's my dream and passion to travel the world with my daughter. It's great to see that it is possible, one goal at a time. Lovely, honest profile!

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