I LOVE this site! I love sending surprises to people & making them smile! And I love getting surprises. Letters, postcards & goodies. I'm not a picky person..ANYTHING you send me, I'll be happy with. You took the time to pick it out & send it. I shall appreciate it! I love surprises!
This is so much fun. And I'd like to keep it that way, IF YOU DON'T RECEIVE SOMETHING PLZ LET ME KNOW I WILL RESEND. I DON'T FLAKE..EVER! I always send out my items as soon as I get a name & address. Monday - Friday. I always add extras to my swaps. You won't ever just get "a" swap from me, you will get a few to a lot of goodies in your packages. :)
I have lots of pen-pals always willing to add more. :) This is where you can reach me. Adella P.O. Box 1495, Milton, WA 98058
I collect antique photo's, frames & albums from the Civil War era to about the 1940's. Antique tea cups & saucers. I love stickers Lady Bugs, Kittens/Cats, Dogs, Roses, Penguins, Butterflies, Hummingbirds.
I also have a HUGE collection of Menudo items. Menudo the Puerto Rican boy band from the 1970's - 1980's. I have over 100,000 posters & pictures of them. Along with dolls, guitars, drums, belts, books, calendars...etc. There's a photo at the bottom of my profile of my PARTIAL collection! This is how I got my user name "menudolvr"
I have a 9 year old Chihuahua mix Bacardi, 7 year old Blue Merle Chihuahua Ruby Rose, 2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier Maggie
I love all music. You name it I like it. I can listen to Mozart & turn around and listen to Five Finger Death Punch. :)
I love to learn. Books are a passion! Real books, that I can hold in my hand, the whole downloading books thing...just isn't my cup of tea. I love the library and can browse around the shelves forever. I love history. Anything historical, especially the Civil War. Biography, autobiography, memoir, diarist, romance.
Not really into T.V. but I like The Walking Dead. I prefer to read a book or write to pen-pals
I love going to yard sales & thrift stores. Always on the lookout for vintage goodies. I can usually find some really good blank cards, stationary & other writing supplies to keep me busy writing!
My favorite hobby is writing pen-pals. I trade stickers & friendship books. I LOVE STICKERS!
Bacardi, Baby & Tiger.
Thank you for joining Random Postcard Swap #19

Walking Dead Profile Decoration
My fav is Daryl. Any man who can make a poncho work is a god.
That and he kicks arse. Can't wait for season 4.
Hi! Just an FYI, the profile image you put on my wall is a link to a site's logo, not Merle! :P
I can't honestly say that Andrea is my favourite character as I love them all but since she is the most recent casualty and left with such grace, I chose her. And she was such an awesome female and kicked a** with her big gun shooting walkers when the other girls were doing laundry (not that there's anything wrong with laundry, someone has to do it.) She's just to cool! Such a shame she had to leave when she worked to hard to save everyone. I can say though that she spent WAY too long talking to Milton and WAY too little time getting those #%+ pliers! Seriously!?!?
Shoot. My first time adding photos. Obviously some were too big. Sorry. I'll try again.
Your profile page is beautiful. I read about you as a participant in the sticker swap. You are crafty in a graphic way with decorating this page. I still cant add an attachment to email. But I would love to be able to decorate pages like this. Mary (Angelgram)