Swap-bot Time: June 2, 2024 6:04 pm

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LahDeeDah on Jul 2, 2012:

Well . . . I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having a rough time. :-( Sounds like the perfect day to receive a surprise! Happy, happy birthday and THANK YOU for helping me get started on the Bot!!! (BTW - I'm glad the gift made you feel special because YOU ARE!)

jannieb on Apr 8, 2012:

Halogen on Feb 15, 2012:

Thanks so much for the ATC you sent for the Bug and Mo's art guild WTA. I love it, and I love the envelope! (Can't decide which way round I should face it to put it up on my wall of pretty mail.)

jillybird on Mar 28, 2011:

You did fix it! And now I have another way to stalk you - cool!!

jillybird on Mar 28, 2011:
kayler00 on Mar 23, 2011:

I'm your partner for Read my profile and write a comment - Congrats on being married so long! Kudos to you! I also love True Blood!! Lafayette & Tara are my favorite. Sookie just down right pisses me off!! I haven't seen Season 3, as I do not have cable so I am waiting for it to come out on DVD I am SO excited!!

flowerimpressions on Mar 19, 2011:

I'm one of your partners for the profile comment swap. Wow brand new here . Welcome ! You sound like an interesting person! I tried your Flickr but it did not work ? That is a neat mandala , I have a friend does those with pressed plant medium. I have instructions for adding pictures on my profile if You'd like to try it. Peace and Happy swapping.

Vickyen on Mar 15, 2011:

Hi! I am one of your partners for the Read my profile and write a comment swap! Your profile was fun to read! Welcome to Swap-bot, I hope you have a wonderful time creating and sharing! The class you teach sounds interesting and rewarding! We have one in college and one a junior in high school - he is so worried about what he wants to be. It is so tough these days and at that age, I had no clue as well!! lol - Enjoy and Happy Swapping! ;)

bobogrl on Mar 15, 2011:

Hi Lizzy, I'm here via the Comment my Profile swap :) It's great meeting another teacher! I've heard alot about ATC on this site but have never made one...you've really inspired me to give it a try. What do you do with the ones you get? Do you display them or collect them in a box? I hope we get to swap sometime..happy swapping, friend! ~Deb

wunderland on Mar 15, 2011:

swap: read my profile and write a comment

There's something about painting that just stirs up so much joy and creativity. Thanks to your profile, I can't wait for the ground here to completely thaw so I can go find some rocks to paint! I feel ignorant that I know nothing about the FISH philosophy, I hope you'll share more about that with me. Cheers

Take care,

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