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Page 4 of artsyfartsy's Comments

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girthta on May 9, 2008:

OMG, This package is AMAZING!!! You are totally spoiling me. Thank you SO MUCH. I have had a really rough week and this is so sweet of you. I love love love it!!!!

Irene on May 6, 2008:

Thank you for the great Kawaii YGM goodies. You are fantastically generous.

Oh, and your icon is adorable! ♥

Superchou on May 5, 2008:

thank you for angeling the kawaii just the box swap!! so cute and loved the little fun extras :)

thanks for being so thoughtful!!

girthta on May 2, 2008:

Oh, I can't wait!!!! I've been having a dreadful time lately. I need some cheering up!

kthanxbye on Apr 29, 2008:

awww sugar britches.....i got your theme pack today...or should i say the lil man got it. i mean he literally took it and ran. i see random bubbles out the window.....he's good. haha

thanx, KTB

kawaiibuttons on Apr 27, 2008:

Hi Nicole!! I hope you like your vintage swap package, it will be mailed today (Monday). Also, I just started a Kawaii Whimsy jar swap, take a peek...


xoxo Leighanne ♥

amberooni on Apr 23, 2008:

Alt text here

Angry bear says he beat up Amberpants for missing yous!

iamred on Apr 23, 2008:

love the package! =)thank you soo much! =D i would love to swap again! =D hehehe....

paflip25 on Apr 23, 2008:

Thank you for the kawaii sticker sack that you tagged me for in the Kawaii PIB forum tag game. Unfortunately, I already have that one. :( But thanks all the same!

AnnaBanana on Apr 22, 2008:

I see no reason why it should have taken so long... it arrived in one piece and all that. Maybe my mailman just doesn't like me?

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