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Date Joined: January 15, 2015
Last Online: June 17, 2016 Birthday: February 16, 1987 Country: United States |
Hi :-) My name is Jennifer everyone calls me Jenny You can find me on facebook as jenny McCallister. Violetmeadow4@hotmail.com is my e-mail for another way of contacting me. >I met my husband in july of 2007 the 23rd of that month started it all :-). He purposed in 2008 I said yes n cried like a baby.on july 23rd 2009 I became ,Mrs.McCallister. We live here in pa with my parents,sister,aunt&uncle. It isnt ideal but its a roof.
Josh n I desperately want children at least 1 boy and1 girl. Emma lee and william. I got sick in 2011 after putting in 2 hard years of work for Times Leader. I went through alot of pain,depression,self pity, loathing, it wasnt a good point in my life or our marriage. >>>>>>>>>It took alot of doctors and labs and xrays, mris to get to the fact I had hypothyroidism which I was so low I was having spasams,joint pain, hot flashes,tingling,litteraly I wasnt working right. Last year after being diagnoised and put on meds I got a lil better and immediately got sick again just as fast they couldnt get me regulated. It was determined my true diagnosis hashimotos auto immune thyroid disease. Then they found a nodule on my neck which scared me. It went away now is back. Infertility is also a symptom of hashis and its a possibility children may not be in our future. I see babies and I do get envious its hard to try n not prevail.so pen paling is my comfort.
BETTY Boop ! :-)! In my collection now
I have a bomber jacket, a pillow, stationary
Talking magnets, And a betty boop postcard
My aunt sent me one year. I also love collecting postcards I currently have 6 album's full. These are Christmas postcards, peter rabbit, some local ones I bought at the hotel. Some from various usa states and other countries.I enjoy getting new ones and swapping them.
Snow globes are another passion of mine I dont have many im just really beginning to collect them I have 1 fairie, 3 christmas ones, a dolphin and a puppy.
I also like to have at least one of every stamp I see right now I have ohhh about 25 or so I only recently realized I liked them. My fave one is a johnny cash I have.
Thats really all the things I collect but its always subject to change.
Reading hence the handle I choose Reads2Write. :-) cant write if I cant read. I usually read every day usually always will find me with a book.I love escaping reality.! Pen-paling I started 3 years ago through facebook I didnt know it exsisted I was just really lonely and thought id really like a pen pal I didnt know 3 years later id be so addicted a happy addiction but an addiction. I love every minute of it I have about 30 pals I love em all. Sketching is something I like to do when im in the mood im really good at doing cartoons and im trying to do landscapes, and human body but they are harder for me.my mom says that arts my gift idk but I do enjoy it I also enjoy making N&N decos,slams,fbs. I wind up buying alot of magazines, glue, stickerd, glitter to do these thank goodnesd for my hubby. That about sums up what I like to get Into.
O boy geeze !!! :-)!! :-) where dose a book worm like me start. I own and love so many 1.)all J.R Ward black dagger brother hood series. 2.)L.J Smiths Night world 3.)Ted Dekker is my fave author I have kiss & Bride Collector by him. 4.) The blood of The bondsmen,wench, 12 years a slave 5.) The Secret Keeper 6.)A reliable wife 7.)Fifty shades of grey trilogy and all erotic books. Oh there are to many to list
Johnny cash & Loretta lynn are my older country genre favorites. I love 80s music like Joan Jett, Cyndi lauper, Aerosmith,Ac Dc, and more 90s genre such as BsB, hanson,nsync,98°,Bewitched,tlc, no doubt, Spice girls Yo ill tell you what I want what I really really want .... I wanna I wanna I really wanna swap lol! Todays music Ke$ha,Jlo,Justin Timberlake,Mikki minaj,Taylor swift, Miranda Lambert. And loads more
I love glittery ones, 3d kind. Happy bunny,Lisa Frank, cupcakes,skulls, punky,shiny,hearts. Really I like all kinds except reward stickers I have no purpose for these. Not that I dont appreciate if its sent to me but I dont use them.
My fave color: Neon green,yellow,orange,blue.I love every shade of pink and purple.
Fave snack : Combos, skittles, Zero candy bar,Doritos.
Fave Beverages: Sweet tea, Sprite, Dr.pepper and Hot chocolate with marshmallow yummy in my tummy.
Fave holiday: Christmas , Valentine's day and St.Patrick's day :-)
Fave way to relax: In my fuzzy jammy bottoms, and a pair or fuzzy socks and my elf shoe slippers :-)! :-) With my puppies cuddled up with me :-)
.....I am a huge fan of The Walking Dead!
Thanks for joining Inspiration Station!
Hi friend! It's been awhile lol good to be back!😊
I just posted a 9.9Oz package to you today! Hope you enjoy using my desk goodies(: see you in the mailbox soon! 📬 Debbie
Thanks for your pictures! I haven't figured out how to do that yet (I'm a schmidge technologically uninformed) but I'll get there(:
Your so sweet! I've been off of swap boy for awhile!! Too long lol but thank you it was so nice to see your comments! I had an amazing halloween experience! Me&&my fiance went to the Hollywood bowl to watch Danny elfman and the cast sing to the nightmare before xmas live w. The movie! Amazing!!! How was your halloween!?
Decorate Profile Kawaii Style <3 #8
Hello Jennifer, I'm one of your partners for Decorate Profile Kawaii Style <3 #8. I'm a huge Totoro fan and Studio Ghibli in general really so I hope you'll like these :)
Happy Halloween Profile Deco
Happy boo!
Hi there! This is for the The Walking Dead Profile Deco swap! I hope you enjoy the images. This weeks episode made me sad :(
Happy Swapping!