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Date Joined: June 9, 2017
Last Online: March 14, 2025 Birthday: January 27 Country: United States My Website The Ravens Nest Art Blog RavensNest Art Page RavensNestArt Instagram |
Monogramams in general but especially - THE LETTER 'R' ....anything with my monogram - RI - I will love you forever....I love monograms......
Art journaling, painting, encaustic painting (wax) anything to do with bees I adore. I know I am new to Swap-Bot but I and super excited to have found this site and will put my heart into each swap. I will read each partner’s profile to help me with understand what makes them happy!
My likes and things I’d love to receive: - Anything from Japan or Japanese (not hello kitty or kawaii style) but authentic old Japanese.
Quails and Rabbits. I am a Cali girl born and raised and love those sweet this title birds. Their little plumes on the tops of their heads and they way they run around so quickly is so adorable. I was born in the year of the rabbit so I love anything with rabbits. I have a couple of Japanese rabbit statues along with a chop with my name carved in it with a Chinese Rabbit on the top.
Anything from Paris France - and I mean anything. I lived in France for 4 years while attending art school and I am a big ‘ole Francophile
I think I said it earlier but I love bees, beeswax and bee designs, beeswax designs and honey, honeycombs and honeycomb designs. I use these in a lot of my art projects, art journals and really am appreciative of what bees do for our planet. If we didn’t have pollinators we wouldn’t be able to have food.
I love the retro, vintage eras between the 20’s and the 50’s. Anything to do with the furniture, fashion or music of those times. My house is decorated with mid-century modern furniture and if I could teleport myself back to another time I would love to have lived in the 20’s. The music, fashion and furniture and just the style in every way.
I love Day of the Dead, Skulls, Mexican Folk and and Skulls ( I know I said it twice —wink wink)
I am so totally enamored with California, I was born and raised here and am very proud of my state. I am particular about which part of California I use in my art. I am a NorCal girl through and through and love big tall redwood trees and coastal vistas.
I am a runner, I mean I am an ultra marathon runner so I love things about running on the trails. I am training for a 50 mile race in 2018 in the Marin Headlands and that area is so beautiful and picturesque that I can’t help think that it’s the epitome of what perfect is to me.
I am also a VEGAN runner so please be careful what you send. I wouldn’t want to receive any animal byproducts in any kind. Thank you.
I am half Italian so the images of Italy really speak to me too.
I love glitter, hearts, stars and anything space related
I am a certified Coffee Master so anything to do with coffee, coffee beans or coffee cups would absolutely thrill me.
I also secretly love CHRISTMAS all year and keep the holiday music on my iPod all year....ssshhhh....don't tell anyone! :)
I am in LOVE with and USE quite often in my artwork "RAVENS" imagine that! Please if you have any raven napkins, tags, or any raven ephemera, stamps please include me in your swaps.
I enjoy steampunk ephemera, old photos (originals) as well as vintage postcards, maps, anything with numbers, old books and vintage rubber stamps.
MY FAVORITE COLOR: It's so funny, even as a little child I have loved purple. I wanted a purple satin dress when I was 4 and my Mom said it was trashy....I think that comment solidified my love of purple. I have purple hair now too. LOL. I love "ALL THE COLORS" but they must be bright! I love black too - but mostly purple.
TEA/COFFEE LIKES/DISLIKES: I love all tea but especially black flavored teas with lavender, mango and vanilla. I have a favorite tea shop i purchase my tea from online called Townsend Teas. If you're interested in Tea check them out. My favorite tea is called Lady Londerry and Creme de la Earl Grey.
I am a black coffee drinker, I don't like coffee that is flavored. I love hot chocolate and I love peppermint hot chocolate!
Anything to do with Bible Journaling or bibles
Cutesy, Rustic, Country or Shabby Chic (eg: Mary Engelbreit or anything of this type)
Sports related things except for trail running
Patriotic, Americana, Armed Forces, etc.
I am not fond of religious themes
ABOUT ME: I am an artist, teacher and all around educator. I went to school in Paris France and really loved living there - hence my Francophilia. I am an Aquarius and love astrology when it comes to my sign and my partners sign ( Scorpio). I am a certified coffee master which is similar to a sommelier for wine but instead it’s about coffee. I LOVE LOVE Coffee.
I love Science Fiction book, mostly teen fiction about vampires and werwolves but mostly vampires. I also really love skulls and the beauty of Day of the Dead and what it represents and stands for.
Trail Running, playing with my 2 dogs and 3 cats. Mostly playing with my dogs. One of my dogs is a Belgian Malinois and I adore her. My other dog is a rescue and was SUPPOSED to be a Australian shepherd mix but turned out to be #partdogpartmoose - he is almost 100 pounds and we think he is part Great Pyrenees.
I am a self proclaimed paper nerd and love everything there is to do or say about paper. I love paper crafting and making paper.
I don’t watch Television except for occasion shows about Japan and cooking shows.
I love to cook, sew (except for the fact I just threw away my sewing machine) and I am learning to crochet which if fun for me.
Jazz, Old School Music from Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Doris Day, Pentatonics etc etc. I also love old school country; not the new fangled stuff they call country now. Some of my favorites are Miranda Lambert, Johnny & June Carter Cash, and Loretta Lynn. I love 70’s and 80’s rock - when I was a teenager and still know all the words to all the songs. My favorite concert was Day on The Green in Oakland back in the 70’s. It was a blast back then + If you read above Christmas Music.
Thank you for sending on the art journal for round 61 and switching partners so mine didn't get returned to me early! You're right, what a gorgeous book this one is. This is such an inspiring swap, I love seeing how creative everyone is. And thank you for all the extras as well!
SO glad you've joined this site! You are an AMAZING ARTIST and the best craft pal a girl could want!