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MissThundercat on Apr 18, 2012:

Mel, thank you also for the lovely card you sent from your holidays :) so sweet of you to think of me :) hugs

MissThundercat on Apr 18, 2012:

dear jakob, yes I have received your letter and the goodies you made inside yesterday :) thank you so much! that was so sweet of you :) I'm glad you liked my letter and the stickers! Liebe GrüBe aus Niederland! Tarah

suessstoff on Apr 14, 2012:

Lieben Dank für die schöne Karte und das großartige PIB Parcel, Mello! Da hast du definitv gleich mindestens zwei Tage sehr viel schöner gemacht!

violin21 on Mar 24, 2012:

Thankyou for all the lovely goodies in Pamper someone group swap, and angelling it. It is really lovely of you :) hugs Kristina

SweetClementine on Feb 8, 2012:

Oooh! What a delightful box of goodies has arrived here! Thank you, as always, for your thoughtfulness. The kids especially loved their Kinder chocolates. I have had your box on my dining room table for nearly 2 months playing the "just one more thing" game--can't seem to call it done and send it on its way. Next week, it's going to go! I hope you like the things I chose for you as much as we loved your package. Thank you! And hello to Jakob! ;-)

momto2girls on Jan 23, 2012:

Thanks so much for angeling the 5 samples +Christmas card swap! I love all the goodies!

klow on Dec 31, 2011:


Toupti on Dec 2, 2011:

I just want to say a big

for the felt sheets for the WTA #16. Nice selection of colors =D

suessstoff on Nov 22, 2011:

Mello-Mail! Und wie immer ganz großartige! Herzlichen Dank für die entzückenden Lesezeichen, liebe Mello. Die sind total toll!

suessstoff on Oct 20, 2011:

Mensch, du bist ja verrückt! Ich drück dich mal ganz schrecklich doll für das wundervolle Buch und das hübesche Geschirrtuch. Vielen, vielen Dank!

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