About Me
Hi there,
I'm a supermarket chef. Basically, I'm a cooking show without cameras. I get paid to play with and talk about food. It's a pretty sweet gig.
I love to run, swim, ski, knit, cook, read, swim, swim, travel, swim, and swim. I love anything to do with the ocean.
I lived in Japan from 1997 to 2005. I moved back to Canada for about 9 months in that period, but I just couldn't stay away from Asia. I've traveled extensively throughout Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and I'd go back in a heartbeat.
I don't smoke and I don't have any pets, so the packages I send out are smoke and fuzz-free.
I am pretty easy to please. I love anything made by you for me. As for my Etsy favourites, many of them are sold the second I click 'favourite', but they are often relisted by the seller.

Favorite Television
Cracker, Simpsons, King of the Hill, The Office, Arrested Development, Law and Order (I have a crush on Lupo, hahaha), CSI marathons (I'm useless when they're on).
How to make me happy
If you send me any of the following, I'll be a happy lady:
plain dark chocolate, Reese's Peanut Butter cups, (but not Reese's Pieces), anything vanilla, natural fibre (except for lovely alpaca, it makes me itch and gives me splotchy skin... sadness) yarn (in any colour), flavoured coffee (except Irish Creme or anything with coconut), post cards (especially Anne Taintor, or anything Anne Taintor), kitsch, retro anything, anything with stars (I love stars!!!), super-tacky Elvis souvenirs - especially of older, fatter, greasier Elvis (if it makes you want to scream and run away in terror, then you're close to what I'm looking for), books from my Amazon wishlist (used is all right!), anything Johnny Cash, bamboo knitting needles, and recipes.
Not really interested in
raisins (they make my tongue go numb), alpaca (again, sadness!!) coconut, fruit-flavoured chocolate, nuts in chocolate (I'm not allergic; I prefer nuts in savoury dishes), candy (except gummy bears and Starburst fruit chews), overtly religious material trying to convert me or save my heathen soul (I'm happy you've found enlightenment or have been saved, but please respect my beliefs or non-beliefs - my soul is just fine), overly cute stuff, etc... if you have any questions, just ask me.
Response: You're welcome! xoxox I love Pop Art!
Response: I'm so glad you liked it! It's my hometown! I only get there once a month or so, but It's lovely! Thanks for the heart!
Response: You're so welcome. I tried to fit as much as I could on there, haha. Thanks for the heart!
Response: I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the heart!
Response: Shucks. I meant everything I said. Turn your love around! xo
Response: I hope so, too! He's my second-favourite artist (after Lichtenstein). Thanks for rating and being awesome.
Response: Oh my gosh! I am so sad to hear that. I said you were tall and fabulous and everybody was jealous of your style. I said you had a smile that lights up a room, hair full of stars, and just general awesome. I'm so sad it got eaten (and lost from the length of time it took) in the post. It must have lost the other postcard. Next time we're paired, I'll put the postcard in an envelope when I send it to you. Thanks for rating! Thank you for rating so well regardless!
Response: It's such a lovely island! You really should come and visit. We're friendly! I'm glad you liked the card. Have a fabulous day! Thanks for rating so quickly!
Response: Fabulous! I'm so glad you liked it! I combined my love of food and pop art to send you the perfect card! Thanks for rating so quickly and so well!
Response: Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! Isn't it a great card? I love, love, love Pop Art. And, the Beef Bourguignon story is one of my favourites. I wish I could recreate it. Thanks for rating so promptly (and so highly!).
Response: I know! I love pop art, and that was just a fun card! I wanted to send it to someone awesome. I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for such a fabulous rating!
Response: Eep! I thought I had responded to this. Sorry! Thank you for joining my swap, thank you for rating me so highly, thank you for being awesome. I hope you never, ever, join any of my swaps again. xoxo j
Response: The love is mutual! Thanks for joining, and thanks for being awesome! xo j
Response: I assigned partners, then banned the lot of you. How are you still able to even log in to swap-bot? Gah!
Haha, thanks for joining, thanks for rating, thanks for being wonderful! xo
Response: Excellent! Well, I do have a drawer filled with torn, cat hair-covered envelope for occasions like this. Score! Thanks for joining and rating so quickly! xo
Response: At this moment, I am knitting sweaters for all the naked doggies. Thanks for joining my swap, thanks for rating, and, most of all... thanks for being awesome! xo
Response: Hooray! There's something else on the way, too. Thanks for being so patient with my, er, interpretation of the swap. I can't wait to join the armadillo postcard swap! Thanks for rating!
Response: You're welcome! I' was fully expecting to win the trip... next time!
Response: Yay! I couldn't resist! I saw the lighthouse postcard, and it didn't really fit into the scavenger hunt. I love Peggy's Cove, and I wanted to share some of it with you!
Response: Fabulous! I'm glad you love it.
It is good too see you online this Month.
Just checking up on you. hope things are getting better. Hugs Robin
Your name came up on the forums (http://www.swap-bot.com/forums/topic/119731) so here's a spoonfu of credit due :D
smoochy smoochy!
I would join this swap if it were hosted by you.
my pleasure :) xoxoxoxoxo Just in case you were wondering.. I thought the postcard was extra lesbiny - I know you like that :D
Lol! What color would you like your headscarf to be? Mine is going to be red to match the Corvette we're driving. The really big groovy convertibles are such monstrous gas guzzlers. I think a '66 Corvette may be a 6-cylinder and much better on gas. More money for sushi, red vines and espressos! Road Trip!!
He is a wonderful storyteller. He will always be one of my favorites.
For years I have had a picture in my head of a drawing, sort of like a map. It has a highway with a sign reading "Hillbilly Highway", with lots of roads going from it, named things like "Copperhead Road" and "Telephone Road" and "Nowhere Road"... all leading to GUITAR TOWN! Guitar town is like the Cadillac Ranch, only it's gigantic Stratacasters and Les Pauls stuck in the ground instead of cars! There's a giant 1950s Las Vegas-style sign with "Guitar Town" in old fashioned bulb neons that arches over the whole town. It's all out in the desert with mountains in the background. Yeah, I'm nuts. Hehe.. when I draw it I should put you and I in a big convertible with the top down, a la Thelma & Louise. Help.
So I'm just sitting here at my craft table making stuff and watching Law and Order: SVU, and who do you think I see?? Steve Earle playing a teacher in Riker's juvenile facility! I really had to do a double take!
You never did tell me how that concert was 100 years ago...