Are you sure you want to signup for Easter Bible Study - Jesus' Trial?
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This Swap series will help us dig a little deeper into some of the elements of the Easter story. Read the recommended Bible passages and the thought-provoking blurb below. Send your partner a letter or notecard answering the prompts at the end of this post. There is a little creative writing involved with this series. Get creative and really try to imagine yourself in the passage for this week! If you get stumped, ask the Lord for His inspiration.
Bible passages to read and reflect on this week:
John 18:28-40
(Other accounts of Jesus's trial can also be found at Matthew 26:57–27:31, Mark 14:53–15:20, and Luke 22:54–23:26.)
In Jesus’ shocking trial, he stands before Pilate, the Roman governor of Judea. Pilate questions him about being a king and having a kingdom, which would have threatened the Roman Caesar’s rule at that time. At one point, Jesus tells Pilate that “everyone on the side of truth listens to me,” to which Pilate replies, “What is truth?” This is a rhetorical question. He expects no answer and continues speaking.
Answer Pilate’s question: “What is truth?” Answer the question using only 45-50 words. Rewrite your first draft, if necessary. There may be a lot of crossing out of words and ideas at first.
Did you have any other thoughts or questions from your study this week? Share your thoughts!
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