I don't know about you, but I love to make and receive collages - especially ones personalized for me. So that is what this swap is all about!
Due to mailing costs, this will be a US Only swap.
You'll have just ONE partner
No "no-sends", you need a rating of 4.8 or higher please to join due to the time involved and commitment needed for this project, so no newbies for this one, sorry. I will be checking profiles and banning those that seem iffy. So make sure your profile is complete.
I will not be able to angel this swap, but I will be checking all profiles and banning anyone without 4.8 ratings or higher or anyone that seems flaky, so it shouldn't be a problem.
You'll have about 2 months before the mailing date which should give you plenty of time to get information on your partner & complete the collage.
What is Required:
You need to have a filled out profile for this swap and it would be helpful to add some extra tidbits about yourself either in your profile or in the comment section below. Things like: your favorite book, color, season, fast food, etc. The more information that you provide about yourself the better your personalized collage will be!
The collage should be a maximum size of 8 1/2" x 11" (size of a sheet of paper) and the minimum size should be a half sheet - 8 1/2" x 5". This will make for easy mailing. If your partner has given you lots of info - go for the bigger size, if you don't have much, use the smaller size.
The collage needs to be done on somewhat of a sturdy background - heavy cardstock, or something that will be durable. Even using the cardboard from the back of a legal pad would work. Something that will be sturdy for mailing and for displaying. A sheet of paper wouldn't work.
Your partner's name needs to be incorporated somewhere on the collage and you probably will want to contact them to see if they would prefer you use their screen name or their actual name.
The idea of this project is to cover the entire space of the page if possible - so it's somewhat like a puzzle, trying to get all the space covered. You can overlap things, cut things to fit spaces, etc. But to make this happen you want to make sure you have a enough information on your partner to fill the size you've selected. If there isn't enough in their profile then you can email them and ask specific questions, like: What are your hobbies, What pets do you have, Do you like stars, Do you eat vegetable - whatever you can think of! If there are small gaps that you can't fill in with pictures or images, feel free to color them in or use stickers to cover them. That's not a problem as long as the "fillers" are the predominate thing on the collage.
To create the collage you can use anything you'd like - stickers, newspapers, magazine cut-outs, words, photos, phrases, quotes, embellishments, ribbon, etc. This is where you get creative. When I'm doing a collage for someone I keep an eye out everywhere for things to cut out and use that pertain to them or that they like. Sometimes it's a Happy Meal box, or a flyer, or a quote from their favorite author, or a picture of their favorite band, etc. That's why you need to know lots about your partner. And you can always email them along the way to get more info.
I usually use regular glue to adhere the pieces to the backing and then I use a coat of modge podge to cover and seal it. If you have another method of sealing it that is fine, but try to seal it so that the pieces don't peel off or get ripped off somehow. I've even used clear packing tape before to seal it. You just don't want to use something that will cause anything to bleed through. Some glues cause magazine cut outs to become see through to what is on back and ruins it. So be careful.
I think that about covers it. There is a picture of a collage I did for myself (b/c no one ever made one for me) that I did on a TV Tray below. Since it was a TV Tray it's pretty big and took some time. But there is all kinds of random, fun stuff on it and it will give you an idea of what I'm hoping the collages will look like. From the collage you can tell that I like: cats, weezer, jolly rogers, pirates, converse, i was born in April, johnny cash, zum candles, etc. So they are really fun!

If anything is not clear or you have more questions feel free to contact me. I can't wait to get a collage made for me from someone else. This is gonna be so great!