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APDG ~ Summer Solstice - 6/21

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APDG ~ Summer Solstice - 6/21
Group:Artistic Profile Deco Group ;-)
Swap Coordinator:yvonne401 (contact)
Swap categories: Seasonal  Themed 
Number of people in swap:4
Type:Type 1: Electronic
Last day to signup/drop:June 14, 2022
Date items must be sent by:June 21, 2022
Number of swap partners:3

Did any of you know that June 21st is the Summer Solstice? Well yes it is.

Summer Solstice gives you the opportunity to .... you guessed it......have a summer barbeque, go swimming or have a picnic.

The summer solstice announces the first day of summer and its arrival happens twice a yearā€”once in the Northern Hemisphere and once in the Southern Hemisphere. In the Northern Hemisphere, itā€™s known as the June solstice and in the Northern Hemisphere, itā€™s known as the December solstice. Regardless of which half of the world itā€™s celebrated, however, it occurs when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky and the day has the longest period of daylight. In the Arctic Circle, a person can expect continuous daylight around the summer solstice. The summer solstice occurs around June 20th through June 22nd in the Northern Hemisphere and between December 20th and December 23 in the Southern Hemisphere. For those paying close attention, those same dates are the ones in the opposite hemisphere to denote the winter solstice.

Historically, the summer solstice has been seen as an important time of the year in cultures all over the world. This day, also known as Midsummer or Estival Solstice, is usually marked by rituals, celebrations, and festivals. However, even in places where itā€™s not treated as a special occasion, itā€™s still marked as the first official day of summer. Itā€™s also traditionally a time when people spend more time outdoorsā€”enjoying activities such as barbecuing, swimming, playing sports, attending beaches, visiting National Parks, and playing sports. Observations of the June or Summer Solstice have occurred since prehistory. Even before ancient peoples had a system for calculating the movement of the sun or the length of the seasons, people understood that at this time of year, there was more sunlight than at any other time of the year.

Although celebrations vary widely from place to place and from time to time, we thought that weā€™d select three different summer solstice celebrations from history and talk a little bit more about them. The three historical summer solstice celebrations that weā€™re going to be talking about are Native American traditional tribal celebrations, pagan rituals at Stonehenge, and the ancient Roman celebrations of Vesta.

Although Native American celebrations vary from tribe to tribe, and even from one period of time to the next, most of the traits these celebrations share are communal feasting, dancing, drumming, singing, and prayers. Some celebrations involved vision quests, ritualistic fasting, and skin piercings as well.

Some historians believe that the stones arranged on top of Wyomingā€™s BigHorn Mountains are dedicated to the summer solstice. Known as the Bighorn Medicine Wheel, this 80-diameter stone ā€œwheelā€ has 28 spokes made from a pile of stones and a cairn made of stones. This centralized cairn is about 2-feet high and is about 12-feet in diameter. This construction is at the top of a range thatā€™s over 9,600-feet high and is only able to be reached during the summer months because itā€™s otherwise covered in snow. Whatā€™s impressive about this stone wheel is that it aligns perfectly with the summer solstice. It has points that follow the path of important stones and lets the observer know when the summer solstice is going to arrive.

Itā€™s believed that the Bighorn Medicine Wheel was constructed somewhere between 300 and 800-years ago. Scholars say that the star alignments are most accurate for the year 1,200 AD., as slight changes in the orbit of the Earth would cause the ā€œcalendarā€ to eventually veer off course over time.

Unfortunately, at this time, not all archaeologists are willing to conclude that Stonehenge was indeed used for summer solstice celebrations. These stone ruins are aligned with the setting of the sun, and with the summer solstice, but itā€™s still unclear if there were any type of rituals used on or around the summer solstice. There are modern celebrations held at Stonehenge during the summer solstice, but there just isnā€™t any evidence for any kind of organized rituals historically.

Although Vestaliaā€”the religious festival dedicated to Vesta and the Penatesā€”wasnā€™t strictly a summer solstice celebration, it was observed around the time of the solstice. This festival ran from June 7th through June 15th and during this time women offered sacrifices. A donkey was also consecrated to the goddess Vesta and this animal was crowned with flower garlands and bits of bread. After the festival, the temple was ritually purified and the festivities ended.

As we always do, we thought that weā€™d do some research and find out some of the most interesting facts we could find about the summer solstice. After a bit of research, we came across the following factoids that we think that people reading this holiday entry are going to find amusing or interesting.

Although it appears to pause on this day and may seem to be directly overhead at the moment of the summer solstice, the fact remains that the sun is directly above the Tropic of Cancer located at 23-degrees 27-minutes north latitude. At that location, the sun is directly overhead.

The word ā€œsolsticeā€ comes from two Latin words that have been placed together. These words are solā€”a word that means sun, and sistereā€”a word that means to stand still. Therefore, the word solstice literally means ā€œthe sun stands still.ā€ And the sun does appear to stand still on this day because the sunā€™s relative position in the sky at noon doesnā€™t change much during the solstice.

The worldā€™s largest bonfire, or at least one of the largest bonfires, was created during the Midsummer festival in Norway. This fire set the Guinness Book Of World Records for the tallest bonfire. This bonfire was 155.5-feet tall and was set in Alesund, Norway. Of course, this world record wouldnā€™t last long and was eventually broken in 2019 by the Austrian Carnival. That fire occurred on March 16, 2019, and was 60.64-meters high and was set in Lustenau, Austria.

The June Solstice is a time when most schools in the United States are off for summer break and more and more people are heading out on vacation. While the day isnā€™t celebrated so much, the season it begins is important to many people living in the U.S. Many Americans also take their vacations during this time.

This time of the year is also the start of the summer grilling or BBQ season. In the United States, there are a variety of different types of BBQā€”all determined by the region where the BBQ takes place. While a lot of different BBQ styles migrate from one place to another, a lot of different parts of the country are known for a particular type of BBQ. For example, in Memphis, pork is dry rubbed and pulled and served with a side of BBQ sauce. In Central Texas, the meat is the star of the show and huge beef briskets and ribs are emphasized. In St. Louis, pork steaks made from thinly slicing pork butts are grilled and covered with a thick tomato BBQ sauce.

Next onto our swap:

Post THREE (3) pictures and/or gifs to each of your THREE (3) partnerā€™s profiles with the theme ā€œSummer Solsticeā€ or summer. The pictures that you choose may be the SAME OR DIFFERENT between all of your partners. Please choose pictures that you think THEY will enjoy!

Only people with well filled out profiles may participate in this swap. I will be checking the night before partners get assigned. If you get 3 pictures from your partner on "Summer Solsticeā€ or summer you have to rate them a 5. The heart on the rating is for if you like what they sent.

To leave a photo on someone's profile use this code ! [ ] ( Put image address here ) With NO spaces & paste the picture's link between the curved parentheses.

Practice on your own profile first to be sure it looks good because you can easily delete it there.

Pick images that are size 300 wide or smaller to be sure they fit. I go to Google images to get my pictures.

Hover over images to see their size because there will be some larger sizes there too. If you really like something click on it and go to the words SEARCH BY IMAGE and click on that. THEN go to the word SMALL and see if there is one 300 size. There are other tricks in the group thread; AN EASY way to get a small PIC from a BIG one;-)

You can find moving pictures at http://giphy.com/

Please write the TITLE OF THE SWAP ON YOUR PROFILE DECO MESSAGE too! This makes it easier for partners that are in a lot of these swaps to rate it.

Any problems, feel free to contact me.

I want to thank @anrtist for allowing me to borrow SOME of her wording.


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