PRIVATE SWAP between violettedream and SpookShowBaby
This is a swap based on the public Creative and Inspired Journal swap.
Step One:
- You will need a notebook at least 5" L x 8" W (bigger is okay too!), a selection of pens, pencils, crayons, markers (or whatever you choose!)
- Decorate the notebook however, you choose…, simple, elaborate whatever you choose!
- On the inside put your contact info, swap bot name and swap title.
Step Two:
- Over the month, you will journal about 25 topics and explore them – in any way you would like – words, picture, photo, mixed media.
- 20 topics should come from the list below,
- 5 are free choice (or from the list if you’d like!)
- There are 30 topics below, you must do the first one and the last one but all others are free for you to pick and choose, do them in whatever order you choose.
- Intro on yourself, your life and your creative journal (First Entry)
- What is your favorite type of weather? Why? Whats it like to be in it?
- Write a letter to 10 year old you.
- What would you do if you could fly?
- You live to be 100 what have done in your life?
- You won a million dollars. You have 24 hours to spend it. What would you do?
- What is your guilty pleasure? Write about it!
- Go to your favourite room in your home. Describe it in detail.
- If you could be any age again for one week, what age would you be? What would you do?
- Describe a typical day in your life. Use sensory detail (sight, sound, touch, smell, taste) to make your daily experience come to life.
- Write a letter to someone (or something) that makes you angry and don’t hold back.
- Write in your journal using colorful markers, colored pencils or even crayons! Be creative.
- List 10 amazing things that have happened in the past 24 hours
- Write 15 random things about yourself that most people wouldn’t know.
- You find a box in the attic, it’s full of wonderful treasures. What are they?
- Go for a walk, take your journal with you, walk for 11 minutes, and then write an entry.
- Just start scribbling. Fill up that blank page however you want.
- What vegetable do you most resemble?
- Stay up past midnight, go outside and look at the moon and stars. Do they inspire you?
- How would you explain “love” to a vis¬i¬tor from another planet? And try not to use the world love in your explanation.
- If you could wake up tomorrow in the body of someone else currently living, would you do so? Whom would you pick?
- Set your alarm early and “shallow sleep” for an hour or two. What did you think about?
- Do a good deed for a stranger. What did you do? How do you feel?
- If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, which show would you choose?
- Creativity – what does that word mean to you?
- Open a dictionary, pick a word and write an entry on that word.
- Who is your favourite person?
- What is your worst fear? Why are you scared of it?
- What is your least favourite colour? Why? Do something with that colour
- Now that your journal is over….how do you feel? (Last Entry)
Step Three
- Pick out a new (unused) journal for your partner to continue their exploration
- Send it off to your partner
- Enjoy the creative journal sent to you, hopefully it will inspire you!
- Remember to rate!
Swap in a nutshell!
- Get a 5x8 journal; decorate it
- Put in 20 entries from the list above, and 5 of your own choice.
- Send your partner your journal and a brand new journal
- Private swap between SpookShowBaby and violettedream