Swap-bot Time: December 27, 2024 2:39 am

All ratings for silverhawk

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Comment: I LOVE the bubble prize! I think I'm going to use the temp tattoo in my next 250count matchbox alteration, and I have put the wolf stuff on my wall! GREAT SWAP!!! Thank You!! xo, Nymph
rivergypsy rated for ~* Handmade Pendulum *~ Wiccan on Nov 18, 2007
Comment: Sorry, i thought I had rated you. I've been in the hospital with CHF. Loved the pendulum. Have been using it lately. Thanks
Prpldy rated for Silver Hawk & Prpldy Private Swap on Nov 7, 2007
Comment: A wonderful package with the cutest felted box with the lid beaded with a ice skating scene. I absolutely love it! Loved all the extra goodies you included as well.
owlsong rated for Spiritual on Oct 25, 2006
Comment: Love the runes, William. I've yet to use them, though (gotta smudge 'em first, which requires a decent smudge stick, which requires a shopping trip, ^_^), but they're beautiful. Thank you so much.
AmazonLife rated for Write me a poem on Sep 14, 2006
Comment: I'm really hoping I'll get it soon! =)I'm really anxious for this swap...

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.2000 3 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
5 4 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 0 1 4

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