Comment: Thanks so much for the tips! I'll need to check-out the book you suggested, if I ever get the time! Your seagull picture is lovely! I did the same with two ladybugs on my mailbox ... they ran into each other (looking like they were kissing). :-)
Comment: great tips too, Joy! I will def check out that book on lighting...sometimes it seems to be a real issue for me, espcecially indoors! LOVE the seagull pic-and you are SO right about sometimes needing the patience to wait for the best image to present itself to you! Thanks so much for another great swap!
Comment: Hey, I'm sooo sorry I forgot to comment back on your stories. I really loved them! You're so incredibly imaginative and have a way with details. Some of the things you mentioned I would have never thought to remember (if that makes sense). The part about how the different riots broke out was really cool and also scarily realistic. The one for my fate with the fairies was fabulous, too. At least in another dimension, I get to be with a doctor! :P
Comment: Joy!!! I love your Epitaph!!! Great idea for it, its beautiful;) Thanks also for all the extras! How neat, a Cemetery PC? I've never seen one!!! I'm also WAY going to try the recipe for the Low Country sounds delicious:P Also, where did you get that lace? I absolutely love it!!! PM me because I don't get notifications of rating responses :(
Comment: Thank you for the brittney postcard.......well I husband cringed and was wondering who in the heck sent it to me ! It made for a nice laugh ! Thanks again.
Comment: these are just beautiful...i am hoping to visit an old cemetary in Macon GA when I am there for my daughters college graduation. thanks for sharing! :)
Comment: Got your nice building card on Weds but forgot to enter it when I was online yesterday.Four of us use the same pc so it gets hard sometimes to get a chance to go on!
The South has some really beautiful buildings!
Comment: I loved your photos! You have a great eye for photography. I especially loved the shot of the cemetery and the baseball. Thanks for some great photos! Peace :)
Comment: Thanks for the great PC ~ very interesting to learn a bit about Dahlonega! I had to chuckle at your comments about your little town, and I, too hope you'll get a stoplight and PCs one day soon!!! Thanks again for the great multi-view (my favorite kind of tourist-type PCs!) ~~
Comment: Thank you for the postcard, and good luck with your goals! :) I miss running, but between work, part-time classes, running the house, two young kids and a shot thyroid, I just don't have the steam anymore. Hoping to work back up to it this summer, though!
Comment: Hello from Sydney / Bonjour de Sydney 

Many thanks for the great MUSIC postcard which has reach me today.
I would love to swap cards with you sometime, so if interested contact me DIRECT at my Email here
If you want to see some great postcards, you can have a look at my website where I have more than 1000 different cards for swap (or for sale) on subject/theme such as UNESCO World Heritage sites, Map of rare countries and islands, Pacific Islands, Lighthouse, Stadium, Airport, Cruise Ship & Navy Ships, Railway, Library, Building, Temple, Animals and lot more…
The link to my website is:
I’m also interested into getting some digital photos of USA (and other countries you might visited and taken some digital photos off) lighthouses and/or UNESCO World Heritage site to make into new postcards… if you think you can help with this project Email me at (or would like more info / we are “paying” the photographer for photos we can use with some FREE postcards of your choice…)
Please do check this cool Yahoo group for postcard collector and join the group if you think you can expend you postcard collection with us…
Laurent from Down-Under
Comment: I loved your photos and stories! How sad about the bear and how wonderful that you gave him a home! Your daughter sounds like a pistol! Happy Swapping! ;)
Comment: Loved the photos you sent esp. the moon & covered photos. Funny that you sent one of the state capitol in SC because in Oct. my husband and I visted there. It's a small world afterall. Thanks again, enjoyed.
Comment: I LOVE this postcard! Skulls are SO my thing, so of course i loved this! And yeah, the fact that someone stuck a cigarette into one of 'em is hilarious! Do you think that is the Catacombs in France?
Comment: Thank you Joy. Most of those I like, and many of them are reminders that we live in times that we need more common sense than ever.
I really like the ones that sort of quoted what God has said first ion the Bible.
Comment: I absolutely LOVE military aircraft and airshows, so the picture of the Snowbirds is perfect for me! In fact, I even have a framed picture of the Snowbirds that I took when they flew with the Blue Angels here in Pensacola. I LOVED the picture! Thanks!
Comment: These are lovely, Joy! I esp. like the outdoor scene one & the fairy-nice lighting! Thanks so much for sharing-happy swapping, shooting & holidays! :)