Swap-bot Time: December 25, 2024 10:54 pm

Ones ratings for lilmisskriss

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kdj42160 rated for FBs - as many as you want (Intl) on Aug 20, 2009
Comment: Kristin, I have not yet received this swap. I will change the rating if received. Hope all is well.
Response: i already sent it twice (first, the second after you contacted me) but okay, i will send another time. i hope your addy is correct. for sure i would never flake on someone and why should i on a non-worthy swap??? i hope you change the rating asap! br

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
4.8182 15 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
16 21 0 1
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 1 1 14

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