Swap-bot Time: December 26, 2024 12:01 pm

All ratings for SorrySayAgain

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peanutsmommy7 rated for Email 40 questions - you help! on Oct 20, 2016
SprinkleStar rated for Join 8/16 Send PC 8/17 on Oct 27, 2015
Comment: I did not receive the postcard, and you have been offline since Aug 27 and are now partially suspended. Will gladly rerate if you send the postcard.
Danitium rated for Cheeky Phrase ATC on Oct 14, 2015
Comment: 2 words: YOU SUCK! I worked sooo hard on my ATC to make it extra special and then to recieve absolutly nothing in return really really sucks. What I don't understand is why do you lie and click that you have sent the item when clearly (see 2 comments below mine) you haven't!??!? Thanks for being anothe flakers on swap-bot. I hope you really really enjoy the Cheeky Phrase ATC you recieved in the mail. I hope it brought a giant smile on your face when you saw the envelope in the mail and I hope you laughed when you read it.... and then I hope you realize this is what you took away from me.
Comment: rating you a 1 for not sending willing to change rating if I receive anything from you
Comment: Very disappointing. You haven't been online in a long while, and haven't even marked sent. Being flaked on in your own swap is upsetting.
nowweare8 rated for Tea ♥ on Aug 18, 2015
Comment: Thanks for the Tea and note :)

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
1.6667 1 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
3 1 0 5
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 2 1 0

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