Comment: Hi MagicalSimba, I guess that life might have brought something that kept you from sending the swap. I hope you and your dear ones are well now!
Please contact me as soon as you are able to send again. Once I receive something, I will change my rating immediately.
Comment: As of March 6, 2025 I have never received anything from you. It was marked sent on Jan 25, 2025. If I ever receive anything I will consider changing my rating.
Comment: Although you state that you mailed my swap on Jan 11th, as of Feb 27, 2025 I still have not received anything in the mail. I also did not receive an email that the swap could possibly be late. I was a bit surprised that with you being the host, that this would have happened. I definitely will change my rating once you have made this right.
Comment: Waited one month past send by date and emailed that I never received anything. You stated you would redo and send out hopefully that week yet. Another full month has gone by and I've received nothing and no communication to let me know you intend to do it. If I ever receive, I will bump this up to a 3.
Response: Fair enough. I haven't received a lot of communication from you either.