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Hearts ratings for DaddysBabyScorpion969

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foxyroxy912 rated for Notebook Paper Letter #4 on May 17, 2017
Comment: Thanks for the notecards. Glad you are getting settled in your new place.
Response: Welcomes 🙂 ... me too!!!!! ... thanks for the rating and the ❤️ ... ~Tabitha
jaimiemarcotte rated for TGIF Weekend Note Card #51 on Apr 27, 2017
Comment: Thank you for the pen! I love gel pens! I love your handwriting! Very beautiful. How old is your son? My daughter is 8. She's wild and crazy. My weekend was pretty eventful as well. We watched 12 people be baptized and then spent Sunday going to visit my daughter. She has been away for a bit. But I'll write more to you soon! Thank you again! Jaimie
Response: You are most Welcome. :) Thank you for the compliment - I love writing. He is 13 - ugh a teenager lol ... I look forward to hearing back from you. Thanks for the rating and the ❤️. ~Tabitha

Rating Overview

Overall Hearts Stars Hosted
5.0000 2 0 0
Completed Fives Threes Ones
4 4 0 0
Type 1 Type 2 Type 3 Uncategorized
0 4 0 0

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