Comment: I love swapping tea with you! I don't have anything in my profile indicating my favorites, so we must have similar tastes (or we just love all teas indiscriminately). I love Rose tea!! And Rose Berry Rooibos...omg. thank you, as always 💖
Comment: Hi Connor! Loved your card as I have been to the Canadian Rockies and it was just fabulous! The scenery is like nothing we have here. Make sure you save your pennies and go, it's so beautiful. Thanks again! Tracy
Comment: Thanks for the great card. I haven't read any of these books but I've seen three of the movies--no comparison, I'm sure. The only one I haven't heard of is the H.P. Lovecraft book. I'll have to check that out soon.
Comment: Thank you for the vintage looking post card. I enjoy anything vintage so I liked it. In fact it looks very much like one my Mother had. Thanks again.
Comment: There are a few herds of elk just north of where I live. They can cause quite the tourist traffic jam from time to time. They are beautiful creatures though. Thank you for the elk PC!
Comment: Thank you for the post card. I do like the tourist cards the best. I've never been to Idaho but a friend lived there for a few years and says it's beautiful. Thanks again.
Comment: Yes! Succulents are very pretty and I love to grow them. They are the easiest things in the world to propagate. Thank you for such a nice card.
Comment: Thanks for the postcards - I thought the drawings of the animals were really funny! haha Thanks so much and thanks for the stickers! Happy day!
Comment: Connor thanks for the cool New Mexico postcard with Carlsbad caverns on it. What a super cool card and great answers. Love the stamps too and I haven't seen that forever stamp before. I hate newts ever since my brother had one sir Isaac newt and he escaped and crawled into my room. Lol. Have a great day!
Response: Im glad you like the card! What a great name for a newt😁